Modeling the Purchase Intention of the Iranian Brand in the Home Appliance Industry
Subject Areas : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication DevicesAlireza Alikhani 1 , Saeid Sharifi 2 *
1 - MSc student in executive management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran
2 - Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University
Keywords: National Identity, Iranian products, Purchase intention of Iranian brands, national branding,
Abstract :
Supporting Iranian goods is not an option for the country, but it is necessary as a way of improving the economic situation and exiting the economic stagnation. Indeed, fostering national brands and using domestic products is considered one of the requirements of development in advanced countries. This research mainly aims to design a model for purchasing domestic products. The study is fundamental-applied research with exploratory mixed methods design. The statistical population in the qualitative part consists of marketing and branding experts. The sample was chosen through purposive sampling and the snowball method. Regarding the data adequacy, 18 experts were selected and interviewed. To test the hypothesis, a sample of 384 consumers of home appliance products, selected by convenience sampling approach, participated in the study. Data was collected through the in-deep interview approach along with a questionnaire consisting of 52 items, and the analysis was conducted through the Grounded Theory and Structural Equation Modeling. The results indicated that the causal condition was to support the national brand (governmental supports and providing the infrastructures of domestic production). The main phenomenon was Resistance Economy (using national capacities and supporting national work and production). Furthermore, the strategy identified for the realization of Resistance Economy was national branding (accrediting the domestic market and boosting the image of Iranian production). The context condition also involved national culture (national identity-making and national values and beliefs) and social-economic factors (social capital, political stability). Two intervening variables were individual characteristics of Iranian customers (customer’s character, attitude toward national brands) and the economic state of the society (economic indicators). The consequence also was the purchase of national brands (preference of domestic brands over foreign brands, loyalty to national brands). On the other hand, the results of structural equations confirmed that Resistance Economy was affected by supporting the national brands. Further, Resistance Economy, along with national culture, economic condition, customers’ characteristics, and political-social conditions of the society, influenced the fortification of national branding. Finally, national branding improves and boosts the purchase intention of Iranian products.
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