Comprehensive Comparison and Evaluation of Channel Estimation Methods using Statistical Information Channel in OFDM System
Subject Areas : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices
Minoo Mosahebi
saeed Ghazi-Maghrebi
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Keywords: en,
Abstract :
Radio channel (wireless) including channels that are highly regarded and have been used. These channels are affected by the environment and change. Multipath propagation leads to rapid fluctuations of the phase and amplitude of the signal. In contrast to these channels, using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique is much better and more efficient. In order to access the basic information in the receiver, correct estimation impulse response is the main criterion. The current channel estimation methods can be classified into two categories. The first one is based on the pilots and the second one is not based on using pilot. A channel estimation method, the original channel estimation techniques using statistical information that are very useful and satisfying. This method provides our initial favorable data according to statistical information channel. In this paper presents, several common methods such as Wiener filter, Kalman filter and MMSE for channel estimation in OFDM system are evaluated and compared.
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