Shape- Dependent Term Investigation of Khan- Liu Yield/ Fracture Criterion as a Function of Plastic Strain for Anisotropic Metals
Subject Areas : EngineeringF Farhadzadeh 1 , M Tajdari 2 * , M Salmani Tehrani 3
1 - Marine Department, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
3 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Constitutive equation, Yield/ fracture criterion, Shape-dependent term, Cruciform specimen, DP590 Steel alloy,
Abstract :
The current paper primarily aims to suggest a mathematical model for the shape-dependent term of Khan- Liu (KL) Yield/ fracture criterion as a function of Plastic Strain for DP590 steel alloy. The shape-dependent term in the mention criterion can generalize the application of this criterion in order to predict the behavior of other materials. Plane stress case and the first quarter of the stress plane have been specifically studied. Uniaxial stresses in rolling and transverse directions of sheet and also the tensions caused by equal-biaxial tension have been experimentally used. Then, material constants of KL yield/ fracture criterion and Khan- Huang- Liang (KHL) constitutive equation are calculated using genetic algorithm (GA) optimization and the value of the shape-dependent factor in KL criterion is extracted. The same has been repeated for various plastic strains and finally a polynomial mathematical model based on the plastic strain for the KL shape-dependent factor is suggested. Hence, material constants of KL criterion could be calculated using at least tests namely experimental uniaxial stress test, experimental equal-biaxial stress, and one of the optimization models such as GA. Using the given mathematical model based on the plastic strain, correction term can be calculated and the generalized form of KL criterion can be used for various ductile metallic materials.
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