Open Access Article
1 - Investigation of Silicon Nanowires Roles in Solar Cells
Ali Mahmoudloo Seyyed Sadegh Gholami -
Open Access Article
2 - Quantum-Chemical and Solvatochromic analysis of solvent effects on the Electronic Absorption Spectra of Some Benzodiazepine Derivatives
Sikiru Ahmed Banjo Semire Abideen Adeogun -
Open Access Article
3 - The effects of isomerism and side chain mutation on binding energy and NMR/NQR tensors of L-methionylasparagine and L-asparagylmethionine
Arezoo Tahan -
Open Access Article
4 - Structural Characteristics and Reactivity Relationship of some Thiophene Derivatives
Moriam Adeoye -
Open Access Article
5 - Computational Design and Synthesis of Molecular Imprinted Polymers for solid-phase Extraction of Acyclovir
gholamali haghdoost -
Open Access Article
6 - The Study of Optical Properties Exciton Based of Molecular Quantum Dot
Ali Mahmoudloo -
Open Access Article
7 - Quantum mechanics investigation of acid dissociation constant of carboxylic acids in aqueous solution
M. Khaleghian Gh. R. Ghashami -
Open Access Article
8 - Ab initio Calculations SWNTs and Investigation of Interaction Atoms of Oxygen with that by Computational Calculations
M. Kia V. Pourghasem F. Niksolat -
Open Access Article
9 - Energy Study at Different Temperatures for Active Site of Azurin in Water, Ethanol, Methanol and Gas Phase by Monte Carlo Simulations
K. Shahanipour T. Nejad Satari -
Open Access Article
10 - A New Modification of Morse Potential Energy Function
F. Naderi M. Yari F. Mollaamin A.R. Ilkhani M. Khaleghian M. Monajjemi N. Khodayari -
Open Access Article
11 - Steric effects on the Singlet–Triplet Energy Gaps of Seven Membered Ring silylenes, R2C6H6Si
M. Nikoorazm E. Vessally E. Abolfathi -
Open Access Article
12 - A Theoretical Study on Cycloaddition of 2-Ethyny1-2, 3-Dihdrofurane and Phenyl Azide
Seyyed Amir Siadati Mohammad R. Zardoost Mohamad R. Emadi Toosse -
Open Access Article
13 - A Theoretical Study on the Aromaticity of 5-methylcytosine tautomers in the gas phase
H. Aghaie K. Zare E. Zahedi S.R. Emamian -
Open Access Article
14 - Thermodynamics, Solvents effects and 1H ,13C NMR Shielding :Theoretical studies of Adamantane
Z. Bayat M. Monajjemi -
Open Access Article
15 - Theoretical Investigation of Solvent Effects on The Structural Changes of I - Pentadeeanoyl - 2 - Docosahexaenoyl - Sn - Glycerol -3 -Phosphoeholin
N. Khodayari B. Honarparvar M. Monajjemi K. Parivar -
Open Access Article
16 - Quantitative Correlation of Randić Indices and Adjacency Matrixes With Dewar Resonance Energy of Annulene Compounds
A. Taherpour F. Shafiee -
Open Access Article
17 - Thermodynamic Analysis for Cationic Surfactants Binding to Bovine Serum Albumin
Abdol-Khalegh Bordbar -
Open Access Article
18 - Theoretical and Structural Relationship Study of Electrochemical Properties of p- Sulfonated Calix[Slarene Macrocycles with Fullerenes as lp-Sulfonated Calliplarenesi@iCsl Supramolecular Complexes
Avat (Armen) Taherpour Karim Zare Leila Bakhtiari -
Open Access Article
19 - Free Energies of Electron Transfer, Electrochemical Properties, Electron Transfer Kinetic Theoretical and Quantitative Structural Relationship Studies of Cn@X-[HbA] (HbA=Hemoglobin A; X= - and -Fumarate Crosslinked Hemoglobins (XL & XL)) Nanostructure Complexes
Avat (Arman) Taherpour Leila Fathiyan -
Open Access Article
20 - Nitromethane - Methyl Nitrite Rearrangement: The Seising of Discrepancy between Theory and Experiment
Jamshid Najafpour -
Open Access Article
21 - Investigation of Water Cluster ((H2O)n , n = 2-6) in Aspect of Structures, Energies and Thermodynamic Properties by Ab Initio methods
S. Abedini Khorrami Sh. Moradi P. Aberomand Azar E. Pournamdari -
Open Access Article
22 - Theoretical study of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxine removal by boron nitride-nanotube (BNNT): QSAR, IR-DFT
L. Mahdavian -
Open Access Article
23 - Presentation of the Soft-Core Double Yukawa Potential for Noble Gasses using in sillico
Soheila Ghaderi Fariba Sadat Hashemi Ladan Mokhbersafa -
Open Access Article
24 - IR spectroscopic study and DFT calculations on dibenzyltin dichloride
Leile Rahimi Ahar Moayad Hossaini Sadr Karim Zare Samad Motameni Tabatabei -
Open Access Article
25 - Derivation of ionization energy and electron affinity equations using chemical hardness and absolute electronegativity in isoelectronic series
S. Kaya C. Kaya -
Open Access Article
26 - Estimating the second virial coefficients of some real gas mixtures and related thermodynamic views
M. Baghernejad K. Zare -
Open Access Article
27 - Interaction of Pyrimidine Nucleobases with Silicon Carbide Nanotube: Effect of Functionalization on Stability and Solvation
S. Ketabi S. M. Hashemianzadeh -
Open Access Article
28 - Electronic effects at 2 and 7 α–position of divalent unsaturated seven membered ring R2C6H6M (M=C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb)
Eynallah Abolfathi -
Open Access Article
29 - Thermodynamic Parameters of Cis-Platin and Trans-Platin Complexes with Guanine in Water, A DFT Study
F. R. Nikmaram M. Khan Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
30 - Prediction of accurate pKa values of some α-substituted carboxylic acids with low cost of computational methods
M. Abul Kashem Liton Sabrina Helen Mukta Das Dipa Islam M. Rabiul Karim -
Open Access Article
31 - Different substituted phenyl carbenes / silylenes/ germylenes: a survey of stability
Fereshteh Naderi Rahimeh Bagheri Mohammad Yari -
Open Access Article
32 - Investigation of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Binding Energies Clonidine Drug-Carbon Nano Tube: A Theoretical Study
Z. Yousefian