Inyestigafion of H2 Adsorption on Grapheme by DFT Methods
Subject Areas : Journal of Physical & Theoretical ChemistryS. Shojaee 1 * , F. Naderi 2 * , H. Yamoula 3 * , M. Monajjemi 4 *
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Keywords: Grapbene, Adsorption, Hydrogen' OFT,
Abstract :
We optimized the geometries of the graphene and graphene with hydrogen using PW91VWN, PWCIPL,MPWLYP, G96LYP, G96141.0-210.6-310, 6-31G*Ievels of theory and compared our results with each other.We present the most important structural parameters determined for the addition of a hydrogen atom tographene and the outward movement of the carbon atom that is bonded to hydrogen is 0.48 A Also wecalculateed vibrational frequencies at the same levels. All thenned)mamic parameters of including AG, H. ASwere calculated