AB Initio Study of Molecular Struture, Energetic and Vibrational Spectra of (GaN)4 Nanosemiconductor
Subject Areas : Journal of Physical & Theoretical ChemistryE. Poumamdari 1 * , M. khaleghian 2 *
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Keywords: Nanocluster, Semiconductor, Ab initio, IR, Vibrational Frequencies, Structure, _Energetic,
Abstract :
In recent years there has been considerable interest in the structures, energies and thermodynamics of(GaN)4 clusters and it is the subject of many experimental and theoretical studies because of theirfundamental importance in chemical and physical process. All calculation of this study is carried outby Gaussian 98. Geometry optimization for (GaN)4 nanocluster are be fulfilled at B3LYP, B1LYPand LSDA levels of theory with LANL2DZ basis set. Calculated are accomplished at 298 K. Thestructures, energetic and thermodynamic properties and vibrational spectra will be discussed.