Numerical Modeling of Electronic and Electrical Characteristics of 0.3 0.7 Al Ga N / GaN Multiple Quantum Well Solar Cells
Subject Areas : Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures
Rajab yahyazadeh
zahra hashempour
1 - Department of Physics, Khoy branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoy, Iran
2 - Department of Physics, Khoy branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoy, Iran
Keywords: Solar Cell, Hydrostatic Pressure, Optical Absorption, Multi-Quantum Well,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted to investigate current density of
0.3 0.7 Al Ga N/ GaN multiple quantum well solar cell (MQWSC) under hydrostatic
pressure. The effects of hydrostatic pressure were taken into account to measure
parameters of 0.3 0.7 Al Ga N/ GaN MQWSC, such as interband transition energy, electronhole
wave functions, absorption coefficient, and dielectric constant. Finite-difference
method (FDM) was used to acquire energy eigenvalues and their corresponding
eigenfunctions of 0.3 0.7 Al Ga N/ GaN MQW and hole eigenstates were calculated through
a 66 k.p method under an applied hydrostatic pressure. It was found that the depth of
the quantum wells, bandgaps, band offset, the electron, and hole density increases with
the hydrostatic pressure. Also, as the pressure increases, the electron and hole wave
functions will have less overlap, the amplitude of the absorption coefficient increases,
and the binding energy of the excitons decreases. Our results showed that a change in
the pressure up to 10 GPa caused absorption coefficients҆ peaks of light and heavy holes
to shift to low wavelengths of up to 32 nm, which in turn decreased short-circuit current
density and increased open circuit voltage.
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