How does the Coffee Supply Chain Work in Indonesia?
Subject Areas : Design of Experiment
Anton Azis
Maya Irjayanti
1 - School of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Indonesia
2 - School of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Indonesia
Keywords: performance, coffee, Supply Chain Model, Operation Reference,
Abstract :
Indonesia is the fourth largest coffee-producing country in the world. Coffee beans produced in Indonesia are not only to meet domestic consumption but also global demand. This study focuses on investigating how optimal the performance of the coffee supply chain in Indonesia is and the factors that will influence it based on various literature findings on coffee in Indonesia. The research method used in this study is a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative methods with a comparative study from related literature in the global context and the determine the supply chain performance weights in one area of sampling. To test the performance of the supply chain, this study conducted research in the area of West Java which is one of the coffee producers in Indonesia. The supply chain performance weight is identified by using a supply chain operation reference approach which consists of various supply chain performance attributes that produce a weight of 71 for the supply chain performance for all attributes identified which makes the performance position in an “average” level. This research contributes to designing a coffee supply chain model and identifies factors that require specific attention, particularly factors that significantly impact supply chain performance.
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