Potentiometeric study of protonation and complex formation of some amino acids with Zn (II) , Co(II) and Ni (II) in aqueous solution
Subject Areas : Journal of the Iranian Chemical ResearchMohammad Mazloum-Ardakani 1 * , Sharam Lotfi 2 , Jahan B. Ghasemi 3
1 - Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
2 - Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Payame Noor University (PNU), Iran
3 - Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, K.N. Toosi University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: L-glutamine, L-arginine, glycine, BEST, Potentiometrically, Nonaqueous, solvents,
Abstract :
The stability constants and complexation reaction between L-glutamine, L-arginine andglycine with Zn (II) , Co (II) and Ni (II) were studied potentiometrically in aqueous solution at25° C and μ=0.1 M KNO3. The overall stability constants log β´s of all species are obtained bycomputer refinement of pH-volume data using BEST computer program. Several models weretested and the lowest δFIT, the best one is accepted. The main species in binary complexes MHL,ML, ML2, MLOH, ML(OH)2 and for ternary complexes are ML1L2, ML1L2H, ML1L2OH,ML1L2(OH)2. The order found for the resulting stability constants vary as Co (II) < Ni (II) <Zn(II). The concentration distribution diagram was obtained with the program SPEPLOT.
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