Optimization of the DFIG Wind Turbine Controller Parameters by the Gray Wolf Algorithm
Subject Areas : Journal of Computer & RoboticsMahyar Abbaszadeh 1 , Rezvan Abbasi 2 *
1 - Faculty of Electrical, Biomedical and Mechatronics Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Faculty of Electrical, Biomedical and Mechatronics Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: Optimization, Wind turbine, gray wolf algorithm, Doubly-Fed Induction, Generator,
Abstract :
The increase in the power generated by the wind hashad effects on the performance of the power system incases such as power quality, safety, stability, andvoltage control. The wind turbines are used to generateelectrical energy from wind. They can work in fixedor variable speeds. The asynchronous generator isdirectly connected to the grid for the fixed-speed windturbines. In order to connect the DFIG (Doubly-FedInduction Generator) to the grid, this machine must beable to integrate its generated power into the grid in aspecific voltage (the grid voltage level). The mainDFIG controlling method is the use of field-orientedvector control for regulating the rotor flux. The DFIGvector control consists of two main parts as grid sideconverter control and rotor side converter control. Therotor side converter is used to control the grid outputpower. This converter regulates the power factors inthe terminals, and actually restores the generatedpower deviation from the reference power through thePID controllers, besides guaranteeing the stability ofthe induction generator. In the current study, the powerwas controlled through the determination of the PIDoptimal coefficient of the rotor and grid sidescontrollers and the gray wolf algorithm in theMATLAB software. In addition, the stability of thesmall signal of the grid equipped with the doubly-fedwind generator in the wind speed turbulenceconditions was optimized to satisfy the requiredcriteria in output active and reactive power of a DFIG.From the simulation results it is observed that theproposed controller yields better results whencompared to other methods in literature in terms ofperformance index.