Evaluation Effect of Livestock Manure and Urea Fertilizer on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Corn and Correlation Between Traits (S.C 704)
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop Nutrition ScienceMohammad Momeni 1 , Ali Gholami 2 *
1 - MSc Graduated, Department of Soil Science, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Keywords: Protein, Nutrition, organic matter, <i>Maize, Yield</i>,
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: Overuse of fertilizers can lead to groundwater contamination, depletion of soil microorganisms and beneficial insects, increased crop susceptibility to diseases, acidification or alkalization of soil, damage to soil structure, reduced organic matter and soil fertility. Therefore, for achieve sustainable agricultural, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of conventional fertilizers. OBJECTIVES: Current study was conducted to assess effect of different level of nitrogen fertilizer and livestock manure on crop production and protein percentage of maize. METHODS: This research was arranged via factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications. The treatments included nitrogen fertilizer (F1= none use of fertilizer or control, F2= 50% less than soil test or 90 kg.ha-1, F3=equal soil test or 180 kg.ha-1, F4=50% more than soil test or 270 kg.ha-1) and livestock manure (M1=none use of manure or control, M2= 20 t.ha-1). RESULT: According result of analysis of variance interaction effect of treatments on all measured traits was significant. Assessment interaction effect of treatments indicated maximum number of seed per row (42), number of row per ear (16), 1000-seed weight (280 gr), seed yield (9900 kg.ha-1) and protein concentration (10.5%) was noted for 180 kg.ha-1 nitrogen (equal soil test) with 20 t.ha-1 livestock manure and minimum of those belonged to control treatment. Comparison of different levels of nitrogen treatments showed that application of fertilizer equal soil test (180 kg.ha-1) caused 22.5% increase in number of seed per ear, 13.69% number of row per ear, 25% 1000 seed weight, 20.2% seed yield and 20.29% protein percentage were compared to control. CONCLUSION: Finally based on result of this research use 180 kg.ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer (equal soil test) and 20 t.ha-1 livestock manure improve quantitative and qualitative traits of corn and can be advised to farmers.
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