تأثیر سطوح مختلف اسید ایندول-3-بوتیریک و اسید نفتالن استیک بر ریشهزایی قلمه شاخهی زیتون رقم ماری (Olea europaea cv. Mari)
محورهای موضوعی : زراعت و اصلاح نباتات
بهزاد کاویانی
محمد رضا صفری مطلق
اصغر حسنخواه
علیرضا اسلامی
1 - گروه باغبانی، واحد رشت، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، رشت، ایران،
2 - گروه گیاهپزشکی، واحد رشت، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، رشت، ایران.
3 - گروه باغبانی، واحد رشت، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، رشت، ایران،
4 - گروه باغبانی، واحد رشت، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، رشت، ایران،
کلید واژه: اکسین, ریشهزایی, درختان میوه, تنظیمکنندههای رشد گیاهی, قلمهی خشبی,
چکیده مقاله :
زیتون (Olea europaea) گونه ای درختی است که دانه رست آن رشد کندی دارد و تکثیر از طریق بذر، زمان بر است و احتمال تغییرات ژنتیکی را افزایش می دهد. مناسب ترین روش تکثیر زیتون، استفاده از قلمه ی شاخه می باشد؛ با این وجود قلمه ی نیمه خشبی زیتون، سخت ریشه زا است. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، استفاده از غلظت های 2، 3 و 4 گرم بر لیتر اسید ایندول-3-بوتیریک (IBA) و اسید نفتالن استیک (NAA)، به صورت انفرادی و در ترکیب با یکدیگر، برای تسهیل ریشهزایی قلمه ی شاخه ی زیتون رقم ماری بود. بستر کاشت مورد استفاده، ماسه بود. این پژوهش به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوکهای کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار انجام شد. درصد ریشهزایی، تعداد ریشه، طول ریشه، وزن تر و وزن خشک ریشه اندازه گیری شد. مطابق با نتایج این آزمایش، بالاترین درصد ریشهزایی (30/83 درصد)، بیشترین تعداد ریشه (09/17)، بالاترین طول ریشه (67/22 سانتی متر) و بیشترین وزن خشک (30/2 گرم) ریشه در قلمه های تیمارشده با 3 گرم بر لیتر NAA همراه با 3 گرم بر لیتر IBA بهدست آمد. بیشترین وزن تر (83/4 گرم) ریشه در قلمههای تیمارشده با 4 گرم بر لیتر NAA همراه با 3 گرم بر لیتر IBA حاصل شد. پایین ترین درصد ریشه زایی، کمترین تعداد ریشه، پایین ترین طول ریشه و کمترین وزن تر و خشک ریشه مربوط به قلمه های شاهد بود. استفاده از تیمار حاوی 3 گرم بر لیتر NAA همراه با 3 گرم بر لیتر IBA برای ریشهزایی بهینهی قلمهی ساقهی زیتون توصیه میشود.
Olive (Olea europaea) is a tree species whose seedling grows slowly and the propagation by seed is time consuming and increases the probability of genetic alterations. The most appropriate method to propagate olive is the use of shoot cutting as asexual propagation; however, semi-hardwood olive cutting is hard-rooting. The purpose of the current research was to facilitate rooting on shoot cutting of olive cv. Mari using the concentrations of 2, 3, and 4 g l−1 of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), singularly and in combination with each other. Used cultivation bed was sand. The research was done as a factorial based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. Rooting percentage, root number, root length, and root fresh and dry weights were measured. Based on the results of this experiment the highest percentage of rooting (83.30%), maximum root number (17.09), longest root (22.67 cm), and dry (2.30 g) weight were obtained in cuttings treated with 3 g l−1 NAA together with 3 g l−1 IBA. The highest fresh weight (4.83 g) was obtained in cuttings treated with 4 g l−1 NAA together with 3 g l−1 IBA. The lowest percentage of rooting, maximum root number, shortest root, and lowest fresh and dry weights were obtained in control.
Aboutalebi, A. and Tafazoli, E. (2006). Effect of cutting time and auxin on rooting of sweet lime (Citrus limetta). Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,13 (5): 29-34.
Afsharzadeh, N., Azizi, M. and Samieie, L. (2021). Medium optimization for callus induction, shoot regeneration and rooting of Hypericum perforatum from stem and leaf explants. Journal of Horticultural Science. In Press (doi: 10.22067/jhs.2021.60331.0) [In Persian].
Almeida, F.D., Xavier, A., Dias, G.M.M. and Paiva, H.N. (2007). Auxin (IBA and NAA) effects on minicuttings rooting of Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell. Clones. Revista Árvore , 31 (3): 455-463.
Beretta, D., Vanoli, M. and Eccher, T. (2004). The influence of glucose, vitamins and IBA on rooting of Camellia shoots in vitro. Acta Horticulturae, 227: 473-475.
Braha, S. and Rama, P. (2016). The effects of indol butyric acid and naphthalene acetic acid of adventitious root formation to green cuttings in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). International Journal of Science Research, 5 (7): 876-879.
Brondani, G.E., Baccarin, F.J.B., Ondas, H.W.W., Stape, J.L., Gonçalves, A.N. and Almeida, M.D. (2012). Low temperature, IBA concentrations and optimal time for adventitious rooting of Eucalyptus benthamii mini-cuttings. Journal of Forestry Research, 23(4): 583-592.
Copes, D.L. and Mandel, N.L. (2000). Effects of IBA and NAA treatments on rooting Douglas-fir stem cuttings. New Forests, 20: 249-257.
Corrêa, L.R. and Fett-Neto, A.G. (2004). Effects of temperature on adventitious root development in microcuttings of Eucalyptus saligna Smith and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Journal of Thermal Biology, 29 (6): 315-324.
Davarynejad, Gh., Shokouhian, A.A. and Tehranifar, A. (2015). Effect of IBA and medium on rooting of two new selected peach × almond hybrids cuttings. Journal of Horticulture Science, 29 (2): 176-184.
Davidović, V., Popović, R. and Radulović, M. (2015). Influence of IBA and NAA (0.8%) + (IBA 0.5%) phytoregulators to the risogenesis of the mature lemon tree-shoots (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. and Citrus meyearii Y. Tan.). Agriculture & Forestry, 61(2): 243-250.
De Klerk, G.J., Guan, H., Huisman, P. and Marinova, S. (2011). Effects of phenolic compounds on adventitious root formation and oxidative decarboxylation of applied indoleacetic acid in Malus ‘Jork 9’. Plant Growth Regulators, 63:175.
Denaxa, N.K., Vemmos, S.N. and Roussos, P.A. (2012). The role of endogenous carbohydrates and seasonal variation in rooting ability of cuttings of an easy and a hard to root olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 143: 19-28.
Habibi Kootenaee, Sh. (2010). Effect of different concentrations of auxin on rooting of semi-dry cuttings of Nerium oleander. Journal of Iranian Plant Ecophysiological Research, 5 (2): 36-46.
Habibi Kootenaee, Sh. (2012). The effect of different concentrations of naphthalene acetic acid and indole butyric acid on the rooting of semi-wood cuttings of orange and three-leaf orange. Journal of Plant Environmental Physiology, 7 (27): 64-72 [In Persian].
Hartmann, H.T., Kester, D.E., Davis, F.T. and Genere, R.L. (1997). Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices (6th ed.). Prentice Hall Intl. INC, USA.
Hashemabadi, D. and Sedaghathour, Sh. (2007). Study on effect of indole butyric acid (IBA) and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) on rooting of cutting of camellia (Camellia japonica L.). Agroecology Journal (Journal of New Agricultural Science), 2 (5): 69-76.
Hunt, M.A., Trueman, S.J. and Rasmussen, A. (2011). Indole-3-butyric acid accelerates adventitious root formation and impedes shoot growth of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis cuttings. New Forest, 41 (3): 349-360.
Jull, L.G., Warren, S.L. and Blazich, F.A. (1994). Rooting yoshino cryptomeria stem cutting as influenced by growth stage, branch order IBA treatment. Scientia Horticulturae, 29(12): 1532-1535.
Kaviani, B. and Negahdar, N. (2018). Improvement of rooting capacity of Buxus hyrcana cutting, an ornamental shrub in danger of extinction. Journal of Plant Production, 25(2): 17-34.
Langé, P.P. (2014). Effecto de auxinas en el enraizamiento de estaquillas de Buxus sempervirens L. en distintas épocas aňo. M.Sc. Thesis. Universidad Nacional Del Litoral.
Lee, O., Lee, B. and Lee, J. (2009). Assessment of phenolics-enriched extract and fractions of olive leaves and their antioxidant activities. Journal Bioresource Technology, 100: 6107-6113.
Leopold, A.C. (1995). Auxins and plant growth substances. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Univ. California Press, California, pp. 372-377.
Mirsoleimani, A. and Rahemi, M. (2007). The effect of two synthetic auxins on rooting of peach and almond hardwood hybrid cuttings in open space. Pajouhesh and Sazandegi, 76: 89-96.
Moallemi, N. and Chehrazi, M. (2004). The effect of the hormone auxin on the rooting of leafy, leafless cuttings (L. bougainvilliea spectabillis) in a plastic tunnel. The Scientific Journal of Agriculture, 27 (2): 127-138.
Ozelbaykal, S. and Gezerel, O. (2005). The effects of the different doses of IBA (indol butyric acid) on the rooting performances in the reproduction of Gemlik and Domat olive trees by using the green twig procedure in the ecology of Cukurova region. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 6 (4): 481-484.
Porfirio, S., Calado, M.L., Noceda, C., Cabrita, M.J., da Silva, M.G., Azadi, P. and Peixe, A. (2016). Tracking biochemical changes during adventitious root formation in olive (Olea europaea L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 204: 41-53.
Rahdari, P., Mahna, M. and Asadi, M. (2010). Effect of zinc sulfate and NAA and IBA hormones on rooting of semi-partial cuttings of Azalea plant and its environmental effects. Journal of Science and Technology of Natural Resources, 5 (1): 95-103.
Ramezani, M., Talaee, A., Eghdami, M.T. and Bonyadi, I. (2005). Investigation of some factors influencing the rooting of semi-irrigated cuttings of hard-rooted olive cultivars. Pajouhesh and Sazandegi Journal, 18 (1): 74-88.
Razaghi, M., Rabiee, V. and Sedaghathoor, Sh. (2010). The effect of different concentrations of IBA, NAA and their interactions on the rooting of semi-hardwood cuttings of Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa cv. Hayward). Journal of Plant Productions, 33 (1): 87-96.
Shahhosseini, A. and Shahsavar, A.R. (2017). Effect of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on rooting of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L. ‘Kabkab’) off-shoots. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology, 18 (3): 251-258.
Shahhoseini, R., Moghaddam, M., Kiani, D. and Mansori, R. (2015). Effect of different concentrations of IBA and NAA on rooting of semi-hardwood cuttings of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants , 31 (4): 574-586.
Shoanef, K.W., Sakinoa, V.N., Bheta, F.M. and Affalais, J. (2014). Comparison of four moisture management systems for cutting propagation of Bougainvillea, Hibiscus and Kei apple. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 120 (3): 366-373.
Shirzad, M., Sedaghathoor, Sh. and Hashemabadi, D. (2012). Effect of media and different concentrations of IBA on rooting of ‘Ficus benjamina L.’ cutting. Journal of Ornamental Plants , 2 (1): 61-64.
Singh, K.K., Choudhary, T. and Kumar, A. (2014). Effect of various concentrations of IBA and NAA on the rooting of stem cuttings of mulberry (Morus alba L.) under mist house condition in Garhwal hill region. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 27 (1): 74-77.
Sulusoglu, M. and Cavusoglu, A. (2010). Vegetative propagation of Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) using semihardwood cuttings. African Journal of Agricultural Research 5 , (23): 3196-3202.
Sun, S., Tahir, M.M., Xie, Z., Wei, P., Yu, J., Liu, H., He, Y., Ren, X., Ma, Y. and Mao, J. (2023). Balancing hormones and gene expressions for rooting success: Lovastatin unveils cytokinin inhibition in Malus prunifolia var. ringo apple stem cuttings. Horticulturae, 9: 1341.
Tworkoski, T. and Takeda, F. (2007). Rooting response of shoot cuttings from three peach growth habits. Scientia Horticulturae, 115: 98-100.
Vatandoost Jartoodeh, S., Davarinejad, Gh., Tehranifar, A. and Kaveh, H. (2011). The effect of auxin treatments and type of cuttings on rooting cuttings of Natanz, Sabri and Shokri pear cultivars. Journal of Horticultural Science, 25 (1): 38-44.
Wei, K., Ruan, L., Wang, L. and Cheng, H. (2019). Auxin-induced adventitious root formation in nodal cuttings of Camellia sinensis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20: 1-10.
Wendling, I., Brondani, G.E., Dutra, L.F. and Hansel, F.A. (2010). Mini-cuttings technique: a new ex vitro method for clonal propagation of sweetgum. New Forestry, 39 (3): 343–353.
Yousefi, F. (2010). Effect of different concentrations of IBA and NAA on rooting of olive cuttings. Proceedings of the 2th Congress of Plant Production Sciences, Mashhad, Iran [In Persian].
_||_Aboutalebi, A. and Tafazoli, E. (2006). Effect of cutting time and auxin on rooting of sweet lime (Citrus limetta). Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,13 (5): 29-34.
Afsharzadeh, N., Azizi, M. and Samieie, L. (2021). Medium optimization for callus induction, shoot regeneration and rooting of Hypericum perforatum from stem and leaf explants. Journal of Horticultural Science. In Press (doi: 10.22067/jhs.2021.60331.0) [In Persian].
Almeida, F.D., Xavier, A., Dias, G.M.M. and Paiva, H.N. (2007). Auxin (IBA and NAA) effects on minicuttings rooting of Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell. Clones. Revista Árvore , 31 (3): 455-463.
Beretta, D., Vanoli, M. and Eccher, T. (2004). The influence of glucose, vitamins and IBA on rooting of Camellia shoots in vitro. Acta Horticulturae, 227: 473-475.
Braha, S. and Rama, P. (2016). The effects of indol butyric acid and naphthalene acetic acid of adventitious root formation to green cuttings in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). International Journal of Science Research, 5 (7): 876-879.
Brondani, G.E., Baccarin, F.J.B., Ondas, H.W.W., Stape, J.L., Gonçalves, A.N. and Almeida, M.D. (2012). Low temperature, IBA concentrations and optimal time for adventitious rooting of Eucalyptus benthamii mini-cuttings. Journal of Forestry Research, 23(4): 583-592.
Copes, D.L. and Mandel, N.L. (2000). Effects of IBA and NAA treatments on rooting Douglas-fir stem cuttings. New Forests, 20: 249-257.
Corrêa, L.R. and Fett-Neto, A.G. (2004). Effects of temperature on adventitious root development in microcuttings of Eucalyptus saligna Smith and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Journal of Thermal Biology, 29 (6): 315-324.
Davarynejad, Gh., Shokouhian, A.A. and Tehranifar, A. (2015). Effect of IBA and medium on rooting of two new selected peach × almond hybrids cuttings. Journal of Horticulture Science, 29 (2): 176-184.
Davidović, V., Popović, R. and Radulović, M. (2015). Influence of IBA and NAA (0.8%) + (IBA 0.5%) phytoregulators to the risogenesis of the mature lemon tree-shoots (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. and Citrus meyearii Y. Tan.). Agriculture & Forestry, 61(2): 243-250.
De Klerk, G.J., Guan, H., Huisman, P. and Marinova, S. (2011). Effects of phenolic compounds on adventitious root formation and oxidative decarboxylation of applied indoleacetic acid in Malus ‘Jork 9’. Plant Growth Regulators, 63:175.
Denaxa, N.K., Vemmos, S.N. and Roussos, P.A. (2012). The role of endogenous carbohydrates and seasonal variation in rooting ability of cuttings of an easy and a hard to root olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 143: 19-28.
Habibi Kootenaee, Sh. (2010). Effect of different concentrations of auxin on rooting of semi-dry cuttings of Nerium oleander. Journal of Iranian Plant Ecophysiological Research, 5 (2): 36-46.
Habibi Kootenaee, Sh. (2012). The effect of different concentrations of naphthalene acetic acid and indole butyric acid on the rooting of semi-wood cuttings of orange and three-leaf orange. Journal of Plant Environmental Physiology, 7 (27): 64-72 [In Persian].
Hartmann, H.T., Kester, D.E., Davis, F.T. and Genere, R.L. (1997). Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices (6th ed.). Prentice Hall Intl. INC, USA.
Hashemabadi, D. and Sedaghathour, Sh. (2007). Study on effect of indole butyric acid (IBA) and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) on rooting of cutting of camellia (Camellia japonica L.). Agroecology Journal (Journal of New Agricultural Science), 2 (5): 69-76.
Hunt, M.A., Trueman, S.J. and Rasmussen, A. (2011). Indole-3-butyric acid accelerates adventitious root formation and impedes shoot growth of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis cuttings. New Forest, 41 (3): 349-360.
Jull, L.G., Warren, S.L. and Blazich, F.A. (1994). Rooting yoshino cryptomeria stem cutting as influenced by growth stage, branch order IBA treatment. Scientia Horticulturae, 29(12): 1532-1535.
Kaviani, B. and Negahdar, N. (2018). Improvement of rooting capacity of Buxus hyrcana cutting, an ornamental shrub in danger of extinction. Journal of Plant Production, 25(2): 17-34.
Langé, P.P. (2014). Effecto de auxinas en el enraizamiento de estaquillas de Buxus sempervirens L. en distintas épocas aňo. M.Sc. Thesis. Universidad Nacional Del Litoral.
Lee, O., Lee, B. and Lee, J. (2009). Assessment of phenolics-enriched extract and fractions of olive leaves and their antioxidant activities. Journal Bioresource Technology, 100: 6107-6113.
Leopold, A.C. (1995). Auxins and plant growth substances. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Univ. California Press, California, pp. 372-377.
Mirsoleimani, A. and Rahemi, M. (2007). The effect of two synthetic auxins on rooting of peach and almond hardwood hybrid cuttings in open space. Pajouhesh and Sazandegi, 76: 89-96.
Moallemi, N. and Chehrazi, M. (2004). The effect of the hormone auxin on the rooting of leafy, leafless cuttings (L. bougainvilliea spectabillis) in a plastic tunnel. The Scientific Journal of Agriculture, 27 (2): 127-138.
Ozelbaykal, S. and Gezerel, O. (2005). The effects of the different doses of IBA (indol butyric acid) on the rooting performances in the reproduction of Gemlik and Domat olive trees by using the green twig procedure in the ecology of Cukurova region. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 6 (4): 481-484.
Porfirio, S., Calado, M.L., Noceda, C., Cabrita, M.J., da Silva, M.G., Azadi, P. and Peixe, A. (2016). Tracking biochemical changes during adventitious root formation in olive (Olea europaea L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 204: 41-53.
Rahdari, P., Mahna, M. and Asadi, M. (2010). Effect of zinc sulfate and NAA and IBA hormones on rooting of semi-partial cuttings of Azalea plant and its environmental effects. Journal of Science and Technology of Natural Resources, 5 (1): 95-103.
Ramezani, M., Talaee, A., Eghdami, M.T. and Bonyadi, I. (2005). Investigation of some factors influencing the rooting of semi-irrigated cuttings of hard-rooted olive cultivars. Pajouhesh and Sazandegi Journal, 18 (1): 74-88.
Razaghi, M., Rabiee, V. and Sedaghathoor, Sh. (2010). The effect of different concentrations of IBA, NAA and their interactions on the rooting of semi-hardwood cuttings of Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa cv. Hayward). Journal of Plant Productions, 33 (1): 87-96.
Shahhosseini, A. and Shahsavar, A.R. (2017). Effect of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on rooting of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L. ‘Kabkab’) off-shoots. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology, 18 (3): 251-258.
Shahhoseini, R., Moghaddam, M., Kiani, D. and Mansori, R. (2015). Effect of different concentrations of IBA and NAA on rooting of semi-hardwood cuttings of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants , 31 (4): 574-586.
Shoanef, K.W., Sakinoa, V.N., Bheta, F.M. and Affalais, J. (2014). Comparison of four moisture management systems for cutting propagation of Bougainvillea, Hibiscus and Kei apple. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 120 (3): 366-373.
Shirzad, M., Sedaghathoor, Sh. and Hashemabadi, D. (2012). Effect of media and different concentrations of IBA on rooting of ‘Ficus benjamina L.’ cutting. Journal of Ornamental Plants , 2 (1): 61-64.
Singh, K.K., Choudhary, T. and Kumar, A. (2014). Effect of various concentrations of IBA and NAA on the rooting of stem cuttings of mulberry (Morus alba L.) under mist house condition in Garhwal hill region. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 27 (1): 74-77.
Sulusoglu, M. and Cavusoglu, A. (2010). Vegetative propagation of Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) using semihardwood cuttings. African Journal of Agricultural Research 5 , (23): 3196-3202.
Sun, S., Tahir, M.M., Xie, Z., Wei, P., Yu, J., Liu, H., He, Y., Ren, X., Ma, Y. and Mao, J. (2023). Balancing hormones and gene expressions for rooting success: Lovastatin unveils cytokinin inhibition in Malus prunifolia var. ringo apple stem cuttings. Horticulturae, 9: 1341.
Tworkoski, T. and Takeda, F. (2007). Rooting response of shoot cuttings from three peach growth habits. Scientia Horticulturae, 115: 98-100.
Vatandoost Jartoodeh, S., Davarinejad, Gh., Tehranifar, A. and Kaveh, H. (2011). The effect of auxin treatments and type of cuttings on rooting cuttings of Natanz, Sabri and Shokri pear cultivars. Journal of Horticultural Science, 25 (1): 38-44.
Wei, K., Ruan, L., Wang, L. and Cheng, H. (2019). Auxin-induced adventitious root formation in nodal cuttings of Camellia sinensis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20: 1-10.
Wendling, I., Brondani, G.E., Dutra, L.F. and Hansel, F.A. (2010). Mini-cuttings technique: a new ex vitro method for clonal propagation of sweetgum. New Forestry, 39 (3): 343–353.
Yousefi, F. (2010). Effect of different concentrations of IBA and NAA on rooting of olive cuttings. Proceedings of the 2th Congress of Plant Production Sciences, Mashhad, Iran [In Persian].