شناسایی و اولویتبندی مؤلفههای تأثیرگذار بر ریسکهای HSE با استفاده از رویکرد آمیخته (مورد مطالعه: شرکت گاز خطوط انتقال دوراهان)
محورهای موضوعی : مدیریت صنعتیmeysam babaee 1 * , Rahmatollah Asgharian 2
1 - Phd in Industrial Management, School of Management, Noor Hedayat University of Shahrekord, Shahrekord, Iran
2 - Master Degree, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management, Noor Hedayat Non-Profit University, Shahrekord, Iran
کلید واژه: رویکرد آمیخته, سیستم مدیریت ایمنی, ریسکهای HSE, بهداشـت و محـیطزیسـت,
چکیده مقاله :
هدف اصلی این پژوهش، شناسایی و اولویتبندی مؤلفههای تأثیرگذار بر ریسکهای HSE با استفاده از رویکرد آمیخته در شرکت گاز خطوط انتقال دوراهان میباشد. برای نیل به این هدف، با استفاده از روش ترکیبی اکتشافی، دادهها در دو مرحله (کیفی و کمّی) جمعآوری شد. در ابتدا، ضمن مطالعه ادبیات تحقیق، از طریق مصاحبه ساختیافته و نیمهساختیافته با یازده نفر از مدیران و خبرگان دانشگاهی که با روش نمونهگیری نظری انتخاب شدند، بخشی از مؤلفهها مورد شناسایی قرار گرفت. در بخش کیفی، با استفاده از روش دلفی، تعداد یازده نفر از پانلیستها پس از سه راند، در مورد مؤلفههای تأثیرگذار بر ریسکهای HSE، به اتفاقنظر دستیافتند و مدل تحقیق ارائه گردید و اعتبار بخش کیفی نیز، از طریق ضریب هماهنگی کندال (k=0.89)، مورد تأیید قرار گرفت. روش تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات در بخش کمّی، در دو سطح توصیفی و استنباطی از طریق نرمافزارهای SPSS22 و Lisrel اجرا شد. پانلیستهای تحقیق حاضر، مؤلفههای کلیدی ریسکهای HSE را در قالب 77 مفهوم کلیدی و سه معیار اصلی که شامل: ایمنی (42 مؤلفه)، بهداشت (15 مؤلفه) و زیستمحیطی (20 مؤلفه)، مورد شناسایی قرار دادند، که بیشترین امتیاز فریدمن مربوط به معیار ایمنی با مقدار 2.82 و کمترین امتیاز مربوط به معیار بهداشت با امتیاز 1.27 میباشد؛ بر همین اساس، میتوان به این نتیجه دست یافت، که در صورت توجه بیشتر سازمانها به ایمنی، علاوه بر سلامت جسمانى، سلامت روانى کارکنان را نیز تحت تاثیر قرار مىدهد و با کاهش هزینه و زمان، از خسارتهایى که به کارگر و کارفرما وارد مىکند، پیشگیری مینماید.
The main purpose of this study is to identify the components affecting HSE risks using Delphi technique in Dorahan Transmission Lines Gas Company. To achieve this goal, data were collected in two phases (qualitative and quantitative) using a Mix method approach. At first, due to the research literature, some of the components were identified through structured and semi-structured interviews with 11 academic managers and experts who were selected by theoretical sampling method. 11 panelists (academic and practical fields) after three rounds agreed on the components affecting HSE risks in the qualitative section using the Delphi method and the research model was presented; and the validity of the qualitative part was also confirmed by Kendall's coefficient of concordance (k = 0.89). Data analysis performed at both descriptive and inferential levels (Friedman) in the quantitative part through SPSS 22 software. Panelists were identified the key elements of HSE risks in the form of 77 key concepts and 3 main criteria including safety (42), health (15) and environmental components (20) which the highest Friedman score is related to the "safety" criterion with a value of 2.82 and the lowest score is related to the "health" criterion with a score of 1.27; accordingly, it can be concluded that if more organizations pay attention to safety, in addition to physical health, it also affects the mental health of employees and by reducing the cost and time, it prevents costs incurred by the worker and employer.
1- Abassi Esfanjani, H., & Forouzandeh Dehkordi, L. (2015). "Identifying and explaining the determinant factors in the commercialization of academic research using the three-dimensional model", Journal of Science and Technology Policy, 6(4), 33-46.
2- Ameyaw, E.E., Hu, Y., Shan, M., Chan, C., & Le, y. (2016). "Application of Delphi method in construction engineering and management research: A quantitative perspective", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 22(8), 991–1000.
3- Abbaspour, M., Hosseinzadeh, F., Karbassi, A.R., Roayaei, E., & Nikoomaram, H. (2010). “Development of a model to assess environmental performance, concerning HSE-MS principles.” Environmental monitoring and assessment, 165, 517-528.
4- Ahmadi, G.A., Nikooravesh, A., Mehrpour, M., (2016). "Effect of organizational culture on knowledge management based on Denison model". Proc Soc Behav Sci, 230, 387-95.
5- Amir-Heidari, P., Maknoon, R., Taheri, B., & Bazyari, M. (2016). "Identification of strategies to reduce accidents and losses in drilling industry by comprehensive HSE risk assessment—A case study in Iranian drilling industry". Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 44, 405-413.
6- Arya, F., Mohammadfam, I., Haji Parvaneh, M.J, & Omidvari, M. (2014). Provide a method for assessing health, safety and environmental risks using MCDM methods. Occupational Health and Safety Quarterly, 4 (1), 55-64.
7- Azimi, S, F. (2018). Model of HSE Management System Optimization in FMGC Industries, Master Thesis in Chemical Engineering, Institute of Higher Energy Education.
7- Baesmat, S., Ghotbi Ravandi, M., & Abbasi, F. (2017). "Identifying, Assessment and Prioritization of the Existing or Potential Hazards in the Automotive Industry by Combining Three Methods: FMEA, Wiliam Fine and AHP", Health Education and Health Promotion (HEHP), 5 (1).
8- Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., & Klemeš, J.J. (2018). "A roadmap for Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning systems implementation", part III. J. Cleaner Prod, 174, 1325–1337
9- Creswell, jw., & Plano, Clark vl. (2010). "Designing and conducting mixed methods research", Second edition, Sage Publication, inc. Day.
10- Danaeifard, H., & Emami, M. (2007), "Strategies of Qualitative Research: A Reflection on Grounded Theory". Quarterly Journal of Management Thought, 2, 69-97.
11- Delvar, A. (2012). Research Methods in Psychology and Educational Sciences. Tehran: Nashre Viraiesh Press (in Persian).
12- Falakh, F., & Setiani, O. (2018). "Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment in Water Treatment Plant considering Environmental Health and Safety Practice". E3S Web of Conferences 31, 06011.
13- Ghasemi, Sh., Yavari, K., & Mahmoud, W.R. (2015). "A New Method for Inspection of Gas Refineries Risks by Using the Error Correction Method and Analysis of Its Effects", J Economic Research Seventh, 7(13), 1-26.
14- Ghasemieh, R., Jamali, Gh., & Karimiasl, E. (2015), Analysis of LARG Supply Chain Management Dimensions in Cement Industry (An Integrated multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach), Quarterly Journal of Industrial Management (Management Knowledge.7(4): 813-836 (in Persian).
15- Ghorbanizadeh, V., Mohammadi, M.Y. (2012). "Knowledge management model in police organization". Quart J Police Manag Res. 7(3), 328-45. (in Persian).
16- Goodarzi, A. (2019). Identification and prioritization of indicators affecting Larget supply chain using Delphi technique, M.A. thesis, Noor Hedayat Institute of Higher Education, Shahrekord. (in Persian).
17- Hajipour, V., Amouzegar, H., Gharaei, A., Gholami Abarghoei, M.S, & Ghajari, S. (2021). "An integrated process-based HSE management system: A case study", Safety Science, 133.
18- Hakimi, R., & Jozi, S. A. (2014). "Environmental Risk and Safety Assessment of Maroon 2 Desalination Unit of the Oil and Gas Exploitation Company by HAZOP, JHA Methods, The First National Conference on Environmental Management and Management Evaluation in Iran". Hamedan, Hegmataneh Association of Environmental Assessors, Aria Hegmatan Conference Development Center, 16-1 (in Persian).
19- Hooman, H.A. (2015). "A Practical Guide to Qualitative Research". Seventh Edition, Tehran, Samat Publications (in Persian).
Hooman, H., A. (2014). Structural equation modeling, using LISREL software. Sixth Edition, Tehran: Samat Publications. (In Persian).
20- Hosseinpour, Sh.A. (2013). Prioritization of effective parameters in promoting health, safety and environment using fuzzy logic and quality house: A case study of Iran Barite Department, M.Sc. Thesis, Payame Noor University, Shemiranat (in Persian).
21- Jafarpour, M., & Babaeifarsani, M. (2013). Scientific essay writing, a practical approach. Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai University press (in Persian).
22- Jafarnia, E, Soltanzadeh, A, & Ghiyasi, S. (2017). "Integrated model for health, safety and environmental risk assessment (HSE) based on the PMBOK project management guide standard". Journal of Occupational Health Engineering, 4 (4), 47-58 (in Persian).
23- Karimipour, M. (2013). "Identifying the effective factors on the implementation of risk management and providing an appropriate model of risk management in electronic research projects", Master Thesis, Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran. (in Persian).
24- Kessel, M., Kratzer, J., & Schultz, C. (2012). "Psychological safety, knowledge sharing, and creative performance in healthcare teams". Creativ Innovat Manage. 21(2), 147-57.
Klein, P. (2014). Easy guide to factor analysis. Translated by Seyed Jalal Sadr Sadat and Asghar Minaei, Tehran: Samat Publications. (In Persian).
25- Lee, H.S., Hong, S.A. (2014). "Factors affecting hospital employees' knowledge sharing intention and behavior, and innovation behavior". Osong Public Health Res Perspect, 5(3), 148-55.
26- Linstone, H.A, & Turoff, M. (1975). "The Delphi method: techniques and applications". Addison Wesley, Reading, MA.
27- MalekZadeh, G., Kazemi, M. and Lagzian, M. (2014). "Organizational Intelligence: Designing a Hierarchy Model for Iranian State Universities with a Demetal Approach", Transformation Management Research, 5(10), 94-124.
28- Mashaiekhi, A., Farhangi, A., Momeni, M., & Alidoosti, S. (2005), "Investigating the key factors affecting the application of information technology in Iranian government organizations: Application of Delphi technique", Quarterly Journal of Sciences Modares Human, special issue of management, 191-232 (in Persian).
29- Mohammadfama I., Nikoomaramb H., & Soltanian, A. (2012). "Comparative analysis of creative and classic training methods in health, safety". Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 25, 250-253.
30- Nikookar, G.H., Hakim, A. (2012). "Strategic alignment of knowledge management in organization". Maneg Res Iran, 16(1), 167-87 (in Persian).
31- Nikoopour, J., Amini Farsani, M. (2012). "Success in Writing Academic Articles Applied Linguistics", Asre Moaser, Tehran.
32- Pashaeizad, H. (2007). "A brief look at the Delphi method", Quarterly Journal of Peyk-E-Noor, 6(2), 63-79 (in Persian).
33- Pourghadiri, E., Ashrafi, F., & Farhadian Esfahani, M, (2013). "Safety, Health and Environment in Pressure Reducing Stations and Gas Transmission Lines", The First National HSE Conference with the Approach of Upstream Oil and Gas Industries, Abadan. (in Persian).
34- Poursoliman, M.S, Kazemi Muqaddam, W., & Derakhshan Jazri, M. (2015). "The effect of Management System of Health, Safety and Environment on improving safety performance indicators urea and ammonia Kermanshah Petrochemical Company". Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, 5(3), 75-85. (in Persian).
35- Rezaian S., Jozi, A. (2012). "Health- Safety and Environmental Risk Assessment of Refineries Using of Multi Criteria Decision Making Method", APCBEE Procedia, 3, 235-38. (in Persian).
36- Rezaei Pendari, A., Zarei, H., Mahmoud Abadi, M., Qaneian, T., & Koohi Abarghavi, M. (2018). Evaluation and Analysis of Performance of Health, Safety and Environmental Criteria in Building Stone Mines (Case Study: Abarkooh Mines), First National Conference on Safety, Health and Environment, Meybod, Islamic Azad University, Meybod Branch, 1-16. (in Persian).
37- Rahimi, M. (2019). Providing HSE risk management evaluation model in petrochemical industry (Maroon Petrochemical). Master Thesis, Ivanovki University, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. (in Persian).
38- Rolf, J.B, Asbjørn, L.A, & Jens, O. (2020). "What we talk about when we talk about HSE and culture – A mapping and analysis of the academic discourses". Safety Science, 129.
39- Sadeghpour, M., & Shayegan, G. (2016). "Lightning and firefighting crude oil storage tanks". HSE management, National Iranian Oil Company, National Iranian Oil Company; 6, 1-8
40- Sadeghi, A., Jafari, H., Khodayari, R., Pakdaman, M., Mohammadi, R., Ahadi, N.B. (2011). "A case study: the association between organizational culture with management knowledge in hasheminezhad hospital-Tehran". Hospital, 10(2),1-8 (in Persian).
41- Shaluf I, Abdullah S. (2010). "Floating roof storage tank boilover". J of Preve in the Process Indus, 3, 1- 7.
42- Vazdani, S., Sabzeqbaei, G., Dashti, S., Cheraghi, M., Alizadeh, R., & Hemmati, A. (2018). "Application of FMEA model to assess the environmental, safety and health risks of gas condensate storage tanks of Parsian Gas Refining Company in 2016". Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, 17 (4), 345-358. (in Persian).
43-Viera, A.L. (2015). "Application of Laserl in Practice", translation of Rasoul Nowroozi Seyyed Hosseini and Hamid Ghasemi and Habib Honary, Hatmi Publications, Tehran. (In Persian)
44- Wang, D., Zhang, P., & Chen, L. (2017). "Fuzzy Fault tree analysis for fire and explosion of crude oil tanks", J of Loss Preven in the Proc Indus; 26(6): 1390- 98.
Yaghoubi, N.M. and Dehghani, M. and Moghli, A. and Vazifah, Z. (2017). Balanced alignment and maturity approach in effective knowledge management. Public Administration Research, Ninth Year, 33, 61-84. (In Persian).
_||_1- Abassi Esfanjani, H., & Forouzandeh Dehkordi, L. (2015). "Identifying and explaining the determinant factors in the commercialization of academic research using the three-dimensional model", Journal of Science and Technology Policy, 6(4), 33-46.
2- Ameyaw, E.E., Hu, Y., Shan, M., Chan, C., & Le, y. (2016). "Application of Delphi method in construction engineering and management research: A quantitative perspective", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 22(8), 991–1000.
3- Abbaspour, M., Hosseinzadeh, F., Karbassi, A.R., Roayaei, E., & Nikoomaram, H. (2010). “Development of a model to assess environmental performance, concerning HSE-MS principles.” Environmental monitoring and assessment, 165, 517-528.
4- Ahmadi, G.A., Nikooravesh, A., Mehrpour, M., (2016). "Effect of organizational culture on knowledge management based on Denison model". Proc Soc Behav Sci, 230, 387-95.
5- Amir-Heidari, P., Maknoon, R., Taheri, B., & Bazyari, M. (2016). "Identification of strategies to reduce accidents and losses in drilling industry by comprehensive HSE risk assessment—A case study in Iranian drilling industry". Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 44, 405-413.
6- Arya, F., Mohammadfam, I., Haji Parvaneh, M.J, & Omidvari, M. (2014). Provide a method for assessing health, safety and environmental risks using MCDM methods. Occupational Health and Safety Quarterly, 4 (1), 55-64.
7- Azimi, S, F. (2018). Model of HSE Management System Optimization in FMGC Industries, Master Thesis in Chemical Engineering, Institute of Higher Energy Education.
7- Baesmat, S., Ghotbi Ravandi, M., & Abbasi, F. (2017). "Identifying, Assessment and Prioritization of the Existing or Potential Hazards in the Automotive Industry by Combining Three Methods: FMEA, Wiliam Fine and AHP", Health Education and Health Promotion (HEHP), 5 (1).
8- Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., & Klemeš, J.J. (2018). "A roadmap for Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning systems implementation", part III. J. Cleaner Prod, 174, 1325–1337
9- Creswell, jw., & Plano, Clark vl. (2010). "Designing and conducting mixed methods research", Second edition, Sage Publication, inc. Day.
10- Danaeifard, H., & Emami, M. (2007), "Strategies of Qualitative Research: A Reflection on Grounded Theory". Quarterly Journal of Management Thought, 2, 69-97.
11- Delvar, A. (2012). Research Methods in Psychology and Educational Sciences. Tehran: Nashre Viraiesh Press (in Persian).
12- Falakh, F., & Setiani, O. (2018). "Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment in Water Treatment Plant considering Environmental Health and Safety Practice". E3S Web of Conferences 31, 06011.
13- Ghasemi, Sh., Yavari, K., & Mahmoud, W.R. (2015). "A New Method for Inspection of Gas Refineries Risks by Using the Error Correction Method and Analysis of Its Effects", J Economic Research Seventh, 7(13), 1-26.
14- Ghasemieh, R., Jamali, Gh., & Karimiasl, E. (2015), Analysis of LARG Supply Chain Management Dimensions in Cement Industry (An Integrated multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach), Quarterly Journal of Industrial Management (Management Knowledge.7(4): 813-836 (in Persian).
15- Ghorbanizadeh, V., Mohammadi, M.Y. (2012). "Knowledge management model in police organization". Quart J Police Manag Res. 7(3), 328-45. (in Persian).
16- Goodarzi, A. (2019). Identification and prioritization of indicators affecting Larget supply chain using Delphi technique, M.A. thesis, Noor Hedayat Institute of Higher Education, Shahrekord. (in Persian).
17- Hajipour, V., Amouzegar, H., Gharaei, A., Gholami Abarghoei, M.S, & Ghajari, S. (2021). "An integrated process-based HSE management system: A case study", Safety Science, 133.
18- Hakimi, R., & Jozi, S. A. (2014). "Environmental Risk and Safety Assessment of Maroon 2 Desalination Unit of the Oil and Gas Exploitation Company by HAZOP, JHA Methods, The First National Conference on Environmental Management and Management Evaluation in Iran". Hamedan, Hegmataneh Association of Environmental Assessors, Aria Hegmatan Conference Development Center, 16-1 (in Persian).
19- Hooman, H.A. (2015). "A Practical Guide to Qualitative Research". Seventh Edition, Tehran, Samat Publications (in Persian).
Hooman, H., A. (2014). Structural equation modeling, using LISREL software. Sixth Edition, Tehran: Samat Publications. (In Persian).
20- Hosseinpour, Sh.A. (2013). Prioritization of effective parameters in promoting health, safety and environment using fuzzy logic and quality house: A case study of Iran Barite Department, M.Sc. Thesis, Payame Noor University, Shemiranat (in Persian).
21- Jafarpour, M., & Babaeifarsani, M. (2013). Scientific essay writing, a practical approach. Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai University press (in Persian).
22- Jafarnia, E, Soltanzadeh, A, & Ghiyasi, S. (2017). "Integrated model for health, safety and environmental risk assessment (HSE) based on the PMBOK project management guide standard". Journal of Occupational Health Engineering, 4 (4), 47-58 (in Persian).
23- Karimipour, M. (2013). "Identifying the effective factors on the implementation of risk management and providing an appropriate model of risk management in electronic research projects", Master Thesis, Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran. (in Persian).
24- Kessel, M., Kratzer, J., & Schultz, C. (2012). "Psychological safety, knowledge sharing, and creative performance in healthcare teams". Creativ Innovat Manage. 21(2), 147-57.
Klein, P. (2014). Easy guide to factor analysis. Translated by Seyed Jalal Sadr Sadat and Asghar Minaei, Tehran: Samat Publications. (In Persian).
25- Lee, H.S., Hong, S.A. (2014). "Factors affecting hospital employees' knowledge sharing intention and behavior, and innovation behavior". Osong Public Health Res Perspect, 5(3), 148-55.
26- Linstone, H.A, & Turoff, M. (1975). "The Delphi method: techniques and applications". Addison Wesley, Reading, MA.
27- MalekZadeh, G., Kazemi, M. and Lagzian, M. (2014). "Organizational Intelligence: Designing a Hierarchy Model for Iranian State Universities with a Demetal Approach", Transformation Management Research, 5(10), 94-124.
28- Mashaiekhi, A., Farhangi, A., Momeni, M., & Alidoosti, S. (2005), "Investigating the key factors affecting the application of information technology in Iranian government organizations: Application of Delphi technique", Quarterly Journal of Sciences Modares Human, special issue of management, 191-232 (in Persian).
29- Mohammadfama I., Nikoomaramb H., & Soltanian, A. (2012). "Comparative analysis of creative and classic training methods in health, safety". Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 25, 250-253.
30- Nikookar, G.H., Hakim, A. (2012). "Strategic alignment of knowledge management in organization". Maneg Res Iran, 16(1), 167-87 (in Persian).
31- Nikoopour, J., Amini Farsani, M. (2012). "Success in Writing Academic Articles Applied Linguistics", Asre Moaser, Tehran.
32- Pashaeizad, H. (2007). "A brief look at the Delphi method", Quarterly Journal of Peyk-E-Noor, 6(2), 63-79 (in Persian).
33- Pourghadiri, E., Ashrafi, F., & Farhadian Esfahani, M, (2013). "Safety, Health and Environment in Pressure Reducing Stations and Gas Transmission Lines", The First National HSE Conference with the Approach of Upstream Oil and Gas Industries, Abadan. (in Persian).
34- Poursoliman, M.S, Kazemi Muqaddam, W., & Derakhshan Jazri, M. (2015). "The effect of Management System of Health, Safety and Environment on improving safety performance indicators urea and ammonia Kermanshah Petrochemical Company". Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, 5(3), 75-85. (in Persian).
35- Rezaian S., Jozi, A. (2012). "Health- Safety and Environmental Risk Assessment of Refineries Using of Multi Criteria Decision Making Method", APCBEE Procedia, 3, 235-38. (in Persian).
36- Rezaei Pendari, A., Zarei, H., Mahmoud Abadi, M., Qaneian, T., & Koohi Abarghavi, M. (2018). Evaluation and Analysis of Performance of Health, Safety and Environmental Criteria in Building Stone Mines (Case Study: Abarkooh Mines), First National Conference on Safety, Health and Environment, Meybod, Islamic Azad University, Meybod Branch, 1-16. (in Persian).
37- Rahimi, M. (2019). Providing HSE risk management evaluation model in petrochemical industry (Maroon Petrochemical). Master Thesis, Ivanovki University, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. (in Persian).
38- Rolf, J.B, Asbjørn, L.A, & Jens, O. (2020). "What we talk about when we talk about HSE and culture – A mapping and analysis of the academic discourses". Safety Science, 129.
39- Sadeghpour, M., & Shayegan, G. (2016). "Lightning and firefighting crude oil storage tanks". HSE management, National Iranian Oil Company, National Iranian Oil Company; 6, 1-8
40- Sadeghi, A., Jafari, H., Khodayari, R., Pakdaman, M., Mohammadi, R., Ahadi, N.B. (2011). "A case study: the association between organizational culture with management knowledge in hasheminezhad hospital-Tehran". Hospital, 10(2),1-8 (in Persian).
41- Shaluf I, Abdullah S. (2010). "Floating roof storage tank boilover". J of Preve in the Process Indus, 3, 1- 7.
42- Vazdani, S., Sabzeqbaei, G., Dashti, S., Cheraghi, M., Alizadeh, R., & Hemmati, A. (2018). "Application of FMEA model to assess the environmental, safety and health risks of gas condensate storage tanks of Parsian Gas Refining Company in 2016". Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, 17 (4), 345-358. (in Persian).
43-Viera, A.L. (2015). "Application of Laserl in Practice", translation of Rasoul Nowroozi Seyyed Hosseini and Hamid Ghasemi and Habib Honary, Hatmi Publications, Tehran. (In Persian)
44- Wang, D., Zhang, P., & Chen, L. (2017). "Fuzzy Fault tree analysis for fire and explosion of crude oil tanks", J of Loss Preven in the Proc Indus; 26(6): 1390- 98.
Yaghoubi, N.M. and Dehghani, M. and Moghli, A. and Vazifah, Z. (2017). Balanced alignment and maturity approach in effective knowledge management. Public Administration Research, Ninth Year, 33, 61-84. (In Persian).