Open Access Article
1 - Ranking and Analysis of Factors Affecting the Sustainability of Urban Neighborhoods and in the City of Mahabad
Edris Porvazn Zeynab Karkehabadi Abbas Arghan -
Open Access Article
2 - Macroeconomic Determinants of Manufacturing Sector Performance in Nigeria: an Asymmetric Non-Linear Approach
Oluwaseyi Adelowokan Musa Olanrewaju Olanrewaju Oduola Rahmon Popoolac -
Open Access Article
3 - The Dimensions of Community-based Programs in Kahrizak (According to Anderson's Health Behavior Model)
Malihe Shiani Mirtaher Mousavi Hannan Zare -
Open Access Article
4 - Investigating the Effect of Social Consensus on Social Health
Ali Fallahi Majid Kaffashi Behrang Seddighi -
Open Access Article
5 - Model of Organization Learning in Islamic Azad University
Ali Shokri Nodeh Esmaeil Kavousy Bahram Ali Shiri Alireza Ebrahimpor -
Open Access Article
6 - The impact of Economic and Geographic indicators in Trade in OIC Countries (Using Gravity Model)
Samira Motaghi -
Open Access Article
7 - Designing the Strategic Framework of Transformation (Interactive Digital and Transformative Model in Virtual Space) in the Islamic Republic of Iran's Radio and Television using Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
Rogaye Ali Mohammad Mastooreh Ezzatzadeh Seyed Abdullah Sajjadi Jaghargh Afsaneh Mozafari -
Open Access Article
8 - Investigating Social Values among Generational Groups in Gorgan City
Mohammad Lakzaei Zahra Ghasemi Manizhe Navidnia -
Open Access Article
9 - Investigating the Impact of Outdoor Advertisement on Cinema attendance in Tehran, Based on AIDA Model
Tayebeh Zol-ala Sara Mohamadpour -
Open Access Article
10 - The Adaptability of Homans’s Social Exchange Theory with Iranian Society
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki Said Khosravi