Investigating The Relationship between Cultural Citizenship & Tehran Municipality Approach (Tehran as a City for All) to Present a Management Model for it
Subject Areas : Iranian Sociological Review
1 - Ph.D. in Management, Department of Cultural Management and Planning, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
Citizenship has dimensions and rights that if we can investigate its cultural dimension and rights, we will face a new approach called cultural citizenship, and for its definition should be said that cultural citizenship as the acceptance of the presence of all citizens with any cultural differences in an urban geography. Since Tehran urban management has made the slogan "Tehran as a City for All" as its emulation (model), so, the study of the phenomenon of cultural citizenship in a city like Tehran, which has consisted of ethnicities with different cultures, and providing a model, is a great necessity to investigate cultural citizenship status. The study by purpose of investigating the relationship between cultural citizenship and Tehran Municipality approach (Tehran as a City for All), using theoretical foundations and meta- synthesizing or qualitative content analysis methods, has tried to present a relatively "comprehensive" model with data analysis in four dimensions of " Theoretical foundations - principles and values - the institutional dimension and relationship between them - and the spatial reflection that is the result of pre-defined codes in research. Library and documentary research methods (combining the results of previous researches) have been used to collect data. The results of the research have considered the two components of cultural tendencies and the acceptance degree of these tendencies with the principles and values govern them, and in the institutional dimension: network structures, and in the spatial reflection dimension: urban management levels, and urban governance model is the basis of its model.