Factors concerning the phenomenon of pan-Arabism in Iran
Subject Areas : علوم سیاسیReza Kaviani 1 * , Shideh Shadloo 2
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Keywords: Ethnic-supremacy, Pan-Arabism, Objective factors, Abstract factor, Islamic Revolution of Iran,
Abstract :
The study of abstract and objective factors in the emergence of pan-Arabism in Iran, in pre and post-revolutionary eras is the subject of this essay. The goal is to examine and study elements that provoked ethnic sentiments in southern and Arab-dominated parts of Iran. At a juncture in history, such desires and sentiments manifested themselves in terms of separatist movements. This essay is based on the hypothesis that a sequence of domestic factors such as political, social, cultural and economic factors on the one hand and foreign interference on the other hand have been the cause of instigation which led up to pan-Arabic sentiments and orientations. During the course of this study, it was concluded that domestic factors have played a major role in such inclinations. Such factors can be a breeding ground for a serious national crisis. Given the fact that preservation of national unity and territorial integrity of the country is the primary objective and safeguarding national pride and history of Iran is of paramount importance, all efforts must be invested in gaining knowledge about and diminishing such separatist inclinations.
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