Globalization Discourse, Justice, and Development Programs in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : علوم سیاسیHassan Abniki 1 * , , Mohammad Javad Mousanejad 2
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Keywords: Globalization, Government, justice, Development program,
Abstract :
Globalization is one of the most important developments of the late twentieth century, which is continued intensively in the twenty first century. Due to the complexity and multifaceted terms of the subject matter and level of analysis, there has been multiple and even contradictory definition for it. One of the most significant debates in the field of globalization is whether globalization leads to justice at the global level in general and at the context and inner part of the countries in particular or vice versa will expand injustice and makes crisis of legitimacy and efficiency throughout the countries. Justice is a key concept, which is defined in every country according to its different school of thoughts. To explain justice in the Islamic Republic of Iran, an overview of the country's economic development and orientation programs is essential. In this paper, the authors have studied the country's economic development programs, the results of these programs, and the role of justice in the formulation of them, and finally have described the relationship between globalization, justice, and economic development in the country.
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