Impact of ESG Management on Financial Performance with an emphasis on trust and reputation
Subject Areas : International Journal of Finance, Accounting and Economics StudiesMohammad Reza Radfar 1 * , Mansoureh Aligholi 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Financial Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Environment, Social, Governance (ESG), Trust, Reputation, Financial Performance,
Abstract :
ESG is one of the most important topics in recent years and paying attention to ESG has become a necessary issue in organizations. This research aims to investigate impact of ESG management on financial performance with an emphasis on trust and reputation. The research method is based on the objective, applied, and in terms of the implementation method, it is a descriptive survey, and the statistical population includes the shareholders of Parsian bank in Tehran Stock Exchange, and a sample of 384 people was selected using available sampling method and to collect the data of the research, a questionnaire tool was used and after confirming the validity and reliability, it was distributed among the sample size. Structural equation modeling and Smart PLS software were used to test the research hypotheses, and the results indicate that ESG has a significant impact on financial performance, trust and reputation. In addition, by the use of Sobel's test, it was determined trust and reputation play a mediating role in the impact of ESG on financial performance.
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