Microbiostratigraphy and Sequencestratigraphy of the Gurpi Formation in central part of Lorestan zone, SW Iran
Subject Areas :
Ghamarnaz Darabi
Iraj Maghfouri Moghaddam
Abbas Sadeghi
Bijan Yusefi
1 - Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lorestan , Khorram Abad, Iran
2 - Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lorestan , Khorram Abad, Iran
3 - Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Shahid Behshti , Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lorestan , Khorram Abad, Iran
Received: 2016-11-08
Accepted : 2018-02-06
Published : 2018-10-01
Planktic foraminifera,
Gurpi Formation,
Abstract :
Gurpi Formations is well distributed along Zagros Foreland Basin particularly in the north west of the Zagros (Lurestan Province). For Microbiostratigraphy and Paleobathymetric studies of the Gurpi Formation in the central part of Lurestan two stratigraphic sections including Soltan and Amiran sections were selected. In this study, 48 foraminiferal species belonging to 25 genera were identified, and 7 biozones were recognized; Globotruncanita elevata Taxon Range Zone, Globotruncana ventricosa Interval Zone, Radotruncana calcarata Taxon Range Zone, Globotruncanella havanensis Partial Range Zone, Globotruncana aegyptiaca Interval Zone, Gansserina gansseri Interval Zone, Contusotruncana contusa Interval Zone. Planktonic foraminiferal morphology was studied in order to assign paleobathymetry and the sequences stratigraphic course of the Gurpi Formation. Three third-order sequences were identified, on the basis of deepening and shallowing patterns in the morphological changes and the distribution of the Gurpi Formation planktonic foraminifers and planktic/benthic (P/B).Key words:Biostratigraphy, Planktic foraminifera, Gurpi Formation, Lorestan, Paleobathymetry
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