Explaining the effective features of open and semi-open spaces in availability and increase of social interactions in residential complexes
Subject Areas : ArchitectureHamed Moztarzadeh 1 , Khatereh Sajjadi 2 *
1 - Asis tant Professor, Architecture and Urban S tudies Research Center, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz,Iran
2 - Ph.D. Architectural S tudent, Architecture and Urban S tudies Research Center, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz,Iran
Keywords: Quality of space, residential complexes, social interaction, Presence, features of open and semi-open spaces,
Abstract :
By increasing house demand for living, the urban development planning has turned to towers, which provides a platform for the growth of the city, regardless of the traditional Iranian's architecture. Among the vital elements in traditional architecture, there are a variety of open and semi-open spaces such as the central courtyard, pool, veranda, balcony, etc that have been provided the needs for social interactions, privacy and other values among the inhabitants, but it is almost destroyed by the contemporary architecture. Therfore the necessity is to turn social interactions into spaces of residential complexes. Since in the variety of the quality of spaces, the architect has the most effective role, in a branch of interactive architecture, the most important thing is the interaction with the external environment that countless theorists have focused on this. The purpose is to explain the effective components of open and semi-open spaces in the presence and increase of social interactions in residential complexes. The research method was qualitative and based on the experts' descriptions, the characteristics of open and semi-open spaces were extracted and then their impact and interaction on the quality of space were investigated and adapted to the final model of interactive residential complex. Factors such as quality, security, the possibility of the presence of children, sense of belonging to the place and social discipline in different types of open and semi-open spaces, can have an effect on the adaptation of the spatial structure of residential complexes on the more interactions of residents.
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