Investigating the Role of Personalized Digital Extension Services on Agricultural Performance (A Case Study of Farmers in Fars Province)
Subject Areas :
Extension and Economic
Mohsen Moosaei
Nina Afshari
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Management, Gachsaran Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Gachsaran, Iran.
2 - Graduate of Agricultural Management, Gachsaran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gachsaran, Iran.
Received: 2022-12-19
Accepted : 2023-02-21
Published : 2023-03-01
Personalized digital extension services,
Agricultural performance,
Abstract :
This research aims to investigate the role of personalized digital extension services on agricultural performance (a case study of farmers in Fars province). In terms of the purpose of an applied research and based on the nature of the research data, it is considered a descriptive-survey research. The statistical population of this research included 287,863 farmers in Fars province. Morgan's table was used to calculate the sample size. According to this table, the sample size under investigation is 385 people. A panel of experts was used to determine the validity of the questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha test was used to calculate the reliability of the questionnaire. Its value for the whole questionnaire was 898, which shows that the questionnaire has good reliability. To analyze the research data in the descriptive statistics section of the mean, median, frequency and frequency percentage and in the inferential statistics section of the structural equation modeling method with the partial least squares approach (PLS SEM) in the three main sections of external model evaluation (examining the relationship between the question and the variable), the internal model (examining the relationship between the variables) and checking the fit of the model using SPSS 21 and Smart PLS 2 statistical software. The results of the research showed that personalized digital extension services have a positive and significant effect on agricultural performance, agricultural income, variety of product production, intensity of input consumption, product productivity, willingness to use technology and product commercialization of farmers in Fars province.
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