Pre-Service Agricultural Education Programmes: Do They Impact on The Teaching of Agriculture In Secondary Schools? Case of Zimbabwe
Subject Areas : Adult Education
Christopher Gadzirayi
Bart Muropa
1 - Bindura University of Science Education, Department of Agricultural Economics, Education and Extension, P. Bag 1020, Bindura, Zimbabwe.
2 - Bindura University of Science Education, Department of Science Education, P. Bag 1020, Bindura, Zimbabwe
Keywords: agricultural education, Pedagogics, Post agricultural diploma, Pre service, Relevance,
Abstract :
There are no known studies that have been conducted focusing on the congruency or discrepancy of pre service agricultural education programmes in relation to secondary school agriculture teaching in Zimbabwe. The purpose of this study was therefore to make a qualitative investigation on the contribution of pre service agricultural education training programmes to the teaching of high school Agriculture. A participatory investigation approach was used to gather data, where among other relevant stakeholders, school authorities, agricultural teachers and training institutions staff were consulted on the congruency or discrepancies between pre - service agricultural education programmes and expected competencies of a qualified agricultural teacher. Teachers displayed requisite content and pedagogical competencies in the teaching of agriculture at secondary school level gained from their pre-service agricultural education. The study established the need for continuous in-service and staff exchange course programmes for agricultural teachers in order to keep them abreast with the dynamism and technological innovations in agricultural education sector.