Community‐Based Productivity Veterinary Services Increase Smallholder Dairy Farms’ Income and Number of Cows for Breeding at Mymensingh of Bangladesh
Subject Areas : CamelA.K. Talukder 1 * , M. Shamsuddin 2
1 - Department of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Patuakhali Scienceand Technology University, 8210, Barisal, Bangladesh
2 - Department of Surgery and Obstetrics, Faculty of Veterinary Science, BangladeshAgricultural University, 2202, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Keywords: Reproduction, cattle health, farmer’s income, udder health,
Abstract :
We reportedhere data from a productivity veterinary service that was participatory planned and delivered on farms at the Kanihari Union belongs to Mymensingh District of Bangladesh. We used a set of five forms and a breeding calendar on farm visit once in a month to guide service delivery and acquisition of data and to keep the records on general cattle health, reproduction, udder health and feeding management of the farms. Once information were entered into a database application, a summary sheet was produced, which was taken into the farm to guide the activities in follow-up visits. On average, 72% anoestrous cows and heifers resumed their estrous cycle and 64% of repeat breeding cows and heifers conceived when treated. When GnRH was injected at the time of artificial insemination (AI), 73% repeat breeder cows conceived. Sixty four percent cows recovered from mastitis and 87% sick animals recovered when treatment was given based on clinical diagnosis. Majority of clinically diagnosed diseases were endoparasitic infections (19.0%) and anorexia (11.9%).More than 80% farms that received the service had an income increase ranging from US $ 1.0 to $ 43.9 monthly per cattle. Productivity veterinary services increase farmers’ monthly income per cattle and number of cows for breeding.
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