Management Strategies of Perceived Risk Associated with Moringa Products by Consumers in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria
Subject Areas : Environmental policy and managementO.E. Ayinde 1 * , K. F. Omotesho 2 , J.O. Animashaun 3
1 - Deptartment of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, University of Ilorin,Nigeria.
2 - Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Ilorin,Nigeria.
3 - Deptartment of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, University of Ilorin,Nigeria.
Keywords: Management strategies, Perceived Risk, Moringa consumption, Consumer behaivour,
Abstract :
This study focused on examining the management strategies of perceived risk associated with Moringa products by consumers in Ilorin metropolis with view to rank the perceived risk associated with Moringa product; assess the different strategies employed by consumers to manage or cope with the risk and to examine socio-economic determinants of consumers’ consumption behaviour in relation to the perceived risk. Primary data were collected with the aid of a well structured questionnaire from 116 sampled respondents in the study area. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and the Tobit regression model. The result shows that majority of the consumers consume Moringa powder while none of them consume Moringa oil. It was also discovered that most of the respondents do nothing about the risk associated with Moringa consumption, while some of them reduce the quantity consumed per dose or frequency consumption. Awareness of risk and consumption of Moringa powder were found to have significant effect on consumer attitude towards the perceived risk at (p=0.1). The study therefore recommends the need for more clinical trials that will ascertain the long term health implication of Moringa products consumption and the need for marketing agencies to take advantage of the relative ambivalence to Moringa consumption for more advertorial and promotional campaigns.
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