• Ebadian.Ali Evaluating the Factors Affecting on Credit Ratings of Accepted Corporates in Tehran Securities Exchange by Using Factor Analysis and AHP [ Vol.6, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2021]
  • enayayi taebi.reyhaneh Chaotic Test and Non-Linearity of Abnormal Stock Returns: Selecting an Optimal Chaos Model in Explaining Abnormal Stock Returns around the Release Date of Annual Financial Statements [ Vol.6, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2021]
  • Eslami Mofid Abadi.Hossein Oil Price estimating Under Dynamic Economic Models Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation Approach [ Vol.6, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2021]
  • esmaeili.bahman Higher moments portfolio Optimization with unequal weights based on Generalized Capital Asset pricing model with independent and identically asymmetric Power Distribution [ Vol.6, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2021]
  • Esmaili kia.Gharibeh The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Portfolio Performance Based on Traditional and Modern Network [ Vol.6, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2021]