Meta-analysis of auditor characteristics and profit quality (Considering auditor characteristics indicators)
Subject Areas : Financial Accounting
parisa mohammadrahimi
Mojgan Safa
Majid Zanjirdar
Hossein Jahangirnia
1 - Department of Accounting, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
2 - Department of Accounting, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
3 - Department of Financial Management, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
4 - Department of Accounting, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: auditor characteristics, profit quality, meta-analysis,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to perform a meta-analysis of the relationship between auditor characteristics and profit quality. In order to integrate the results of different researches and identify the factors that modulate the relationships between auditor characteristics and profit quality, in this research we will use meta-analysis methodology which is one of the quantitative statistical methods. In order to implement the meta-analysis method, they were identified and collected from the websites of foreign journals (articles published in the period 2005 to 2020) and the Internet site of domestic scientific research journals (articles published during the years 2006 to 2021) as a statistical population of the research. Systematic removal has finally analyzed 50 studies; The results of studies conducted in the period and around this relationship indicate that most of these studies are heterogeneous. In order to identify the cause of this heterogeneity, by dividing the research based on different criteria for measuring profit quality and auditor characteristics and calculating intra-group chi-square statistics, we found that these different measurement criteria used in research are one of the factors of contradiction in the results. There have been researches. In the following study, it was observed that there is no significant relationship between auditor characteristics with profit smoothing and timely profit and also between non-audit services provided by the auditor and profit quality, while in contrast, there is no significant relationship between auditor characteristics and quality of accruals; Profit stability; There is the ability to predict profit and conservatism.
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Adv. Math. Fin. App., 2023, 8(4), P. 1177-1196 | |
| Advances in Mathematical Finance & Applications Print ISSN: 2538-5569 Online ISSN: 2645-4610 |
Research Paper
Meta-Analysis of Auditor Characteristics and Profit Quality (Considering Auditor Characteristics Indicators)
Article Info Article history: Received 2020-11-29 Accepted 2021-10-12
Keywords: meta-analysis profit quality auditor characteristics |
| Abstract |
The aim of this study is to conduct a meta-analysis to explore the relationship between auditor characteristics and profit quality. Utilizing the meta-analysis methodology, a quantitative statistical approach, we aim to integrate findings from various research studies and identify factors that influence the connections between auditor characteristics and profit quality. For the study's implementation, we collected data from domestic scientific research journals during the years 2005-2020, serving as the statistical population for this research. Through a systematic elimination process, we narrowed down the selection to 50 studies for analysis. The results of these studies, conducted within the specified timeframe, suggest a degree of heterogeneity. To investigate the root causes of this heterogeneity, we categorized the studies based on different criteria for measuring auditor characteristics and calculated chi-square statistics. These results demonstrate that various criteria for auditor characteristics moderate the relationship between auditor attributes and profit quality. Notably, there is a significant correlation between auditor independence and profit quality. Similarly, significant relationships exist between auditor rotation and profit quality, auditor size and profit quality, non-audit services provided by the auditor and profit quality, fees paid to the auditor and profit quality, as well as auditor expertise in the industry and profit quality. |
1 Introduction
The role of auditing in validating corporate earnings information in the bankruptcy of large corporations has been significant. From the perspective of users, especially shareholders, auditing is useful when auditors review and evaluate the continuity of business, the absence of errors in the financial statements, misconduct, significant fraud, and illegal acts affecting the unit's operations and declare their agreement with the above [5]. Therefore, investors' influence on the value burden of auditor-approved information is important because increases of the predictive power of data such as profits on which all aspects of the organization's performance are built on it can greatly divert investors' decisions from distortions and help them make the most appropriate predictions for the company's future and profits. On the other hand, managers have a lot of incentives to manipulate profits and reduce the quality of profits so that they can fulfill the predictions of financial analysts, and auditing can be one of the ways to prevent and reduce profit manipulation and reduce the quality of profits. Because it is believed that companies that provide audited financial statements have better quality information content and profits. This means that the higher the companies' profit manipulation, the lower their profit quality will be [13]and according to studies conducted so far, no research has examined meta-analysis of auditor characteristics and profit quality; therefore, this issue has a research gap. [30] showed that audit independence is associated with low accruals. Some researchers [27] showed a negative relationship between audit independence and earnings management. On the other hand, a positive relationship between audit independence and profit quality has been identified by other researchers. [21] show that there is a positive and significant relationship between auditor tenure and earnings management. [24] argues that non-audit services undermine the independence of auditors and thus reduce the quality of financial reporting and thus the quality of profits.
Based on the contradictory results of previous researches in this regard, this research will perform a meta-analysis of this part of the literature by identifying and collecting the relevant experimental studies in which through integrate the results and identify the causes of diversity in the results of studies make it possible to better understand the effect of auditor's characteristics on profit quality.In the meantime, making the necessary decisions to achieve high quality profit content cannot be unrel ated to audit fees. It seems that in companies whose level of profit quality is high, the costs paid for performing audit services in order to reveal various aspects that reflect the quality of profit will be higher. Audit has a supervisory role over the contract so that any breach of contract is brought to the attention of securities holders. Also, audit responsibility is not limited to overseeing the financial reporting process; rather, auditing serves as the ultimate gatekeeper of financial disclosure. A company with an accounting expert is more likely to drive management profits more accurately [15]. It is also less likely that large corporations will give in to a particular customer because they have multiple customers and offer a variety of services. However, a small company that earns a large portion of its revenue from a particular customer is more likely to surrender to that customer more easily. There are two different views on the tenure of auditors and the quality of financial reporting. The first view states that the shorter the auditor's tenure, the lower the quality of earnings. Proponents of auditor change believe that in the event of a forced rotation, auditors will be more able to withstand the pressures of client management and make more impartial judgments.
2 Theoretical Foundations and Research Background
According to profit quality theory, higher quality profit provides more information about different aspects of a company's financial performance. In addition, from the point of view of agency theory, independent auditing helps shareholders in controlling and supervising the management activities of the company. [15] stated that independent auditors are more effective in overseeing management and reducing the ability to report erroneously by minimizing management intervention [20] On the other hand, resource dependency theory states that the role of auditing in providing resources in a professional and experienced way for companies to gain a competitive advantage, especially in the quality of financial reporting, is so effective. Based on agency theory and resource dependency theory, it can be thought that academic financial expertise reduces discretionary accruals and improves profit quality. Another feature that has been identified in previous researches as a factor affecting earnings quality is the size of the auditor. According to agency theory, internal and external oversight mechanisms are needed to reduce conflicts of interest between managers and stakeholders, and increasing the quality of oversight can also reduce information asymmetry [9]. Also, with the increase of the auditor permanence years in a company, his knowledge of that company increases and he knows what issues should be paid special attention to in order to audit it. However, there are other interpretations in this field. One interpretation is that auditors have less independence in the early years of auditing. There is a favorable view of the auditor's rotation in the face of evidences that an increase in the tenure of auditors leads to the reporting of low quality earnings [4]. [24] argues that, despite this legal restriction, evidences from academic researches show that non-audit services undermine the independence of auditors and thus reduce the quality of financial reporting and thus the quality of profits.
Also, if the risk of manipulating the client's profit is greater, then auditors are required to reduce audit risk in general through additional testing methods or allocating additional resources to audit transactions, which is likely to lead to significant distortion of financial reporting. [11] In this regard, in the country, [19], in a study entitled Factors affecting the quality of profits of pharmaceutical companies found that there is a significant and direct relationship between profit quality and stock value and company size and there is a significant inverse relationship between the profit quality and gender diversity of members of the board. Moradiin a study entitled The relationship between earnings quality and auditing fees with dividend policy showed that there is a direct and significant relationship between earnings quality and auditing fees with dividend policy and there is a significant inverse relationship between financial leverage and the ratio of accruals with dividend policy. [18]. Heydariin examining the effect of audit quality on earnings management show that there is a significant negative relationship between earnings quality and auditor's fee. [10]. Moradi Shahkooh, in examining the relationship between the characteristics of the audit committee and profit quality, show that the size of the audit committee and the financial expertise of the audit committee increase the quality of companies' profits. [17]. Piri, Parviz, in examining the relationship between tenure and change of auditor with the quality of earnings show that increasing the tenure of auditors increases the amount of accruals and as a result decreases the quality of earnings, while increasing the amount of auditor change reduces the amount of accruals and increases the quality of the profit. [23].
Goran, in examining the effect of audit quality on earnings quality showed that the size of the audit institute has a positive and significant effect on earnings quality. The auditor's tenure has a positive and significant effect on earnings quality. [7]. Francis, in examining the effect of auditor characteristics on profit quality and performance, show that the auditor's special characteristics limit the opportunistic and profiteering behavior of managers and thus will improve the quality of accounting profits and company performance and as a result, investors will have more trust in the capital market. [6]. Safarzadeh, in his research entitled The role of auditor characteristics in improving earnings quality found that the index introduced to the auditor with the criteria of accrual quality, profit stability, profit smoothing and profit conservatism, has a significant inverse relationship and with the timeliness of profit has a direct and significant relationship, but does not have a significant relationship with predictable orofit and value indices. [26]. Mehrani et al, in examining the role of auditor characteristics in earnings quality, found that there is no significant relationship between auditor characteristics and the studied dimensions of earnings quality. In other words, the auditor's tenure has not had a significant effect on earnings quality. [16]. Torabi Nejad , in a study entitled The effect of tenure and auditor size on earnings quality shows that there is a positive and significant relationship between auditor tenure and profit quality. Also, the auditor's short tenure does not have a significant effect on profit quality and there is no significant relationship between auditor size and earnings quality. [29]. Abroad as well; Al-Badal et al., in a study entitled "Characteristics and quality of the audit committee" showed that some of the characteristics of the audit committee affect the quality of profits. [2]. Sai Lim and Kitisik, in a study entitled Audit Committee and Profit Quality show that the audit committee reduces profit management activities in companies. Profit management was usually found where the majority of the audit committee was composed of non-independent managers. The audit committee should be independent and have an impartial role in the development of the firm. [26].
Khalilov et alin a study examining accounting conservatism and corporate profitability, show that conditional (unconditional) conservatism is associated with lower (higher) sales profitability, and conservatism affects the profitability of purchases. [13]. Song et al showed the relationship between the expertise of the audit committee members and the quality of earnings according to the meta-analysis method that the expertise of the audit committee has a positive relationship with profit quality and of course the accounting expertise shows a stronger relationship. [28]. El-Rasas and Camardin in a study entitled - Profit quality and auditing characteristics in the high market of centralized ownership showed that the independence of the audit committee and investment in internal audit has a positive relationship with profit quality and concentration of ownership is along with lower profit quality. [6]. Inailo and Manag found that the auditor's independence in providing non-audit services appeared to have a positive relationship with the abnormal working capital of accruals, which is an indicator of lower quality of profit. [12]. Suleiman and Raqab in a study entitled Audit Committee Effectiveness, Audit Quality and Profit Manipulation, showed that the independence of the audit committee; experience of members of the audit committee; audit committee meetings and audit quality have a negative and significant relationship with discretionary accruals and there was a significant relationship between the size of the audit committee and the level of discretionary accruals. [27].
Hamilton et alin a study entitled "Does the auditor's rotation affect profit quality?" found that the auditor change was associated with lower accruals (higher profit quality). This relationship is more intense for larger institutions. [9] Barva in examining the criteria for measuring the quality of profits, showed that companies with relevance and high profit reliability compared to companies with low relevance and profit reliability, have higher profit response coefficient and explanatory power of profit/cost regression. [3]
3 Hypotheses
According to the proposed theoretical framework, the research hypothesis is presented as follows:
Main Hypothesis: Different criteria of auditor characteristics moderate the relationship between auditor characteristics and profit quality.
Sub-hypothesis 1- There is a significant relationship between auditor independence and profit quality.
Sub-hypothesis 2 - There is a significant relationship between auditor rotation (auditor tenure) and profit quality.
Sub-Hypothesis 3 - There is a significant relationship between auditor size and profit quality.
Sub-hypothesis 4- There is a significant relationship between the providing the auditor non-audit services and profit quality.
Sub-Hypothesis 5- There is a significant relationship between the fee paid to the auditor and the quality of the profit.
Sub-Hypothesis 6- There is a significant relationship between auditor expertise in the industry and profit quality.
4 Research Methodology
Differences in applications, measurement tools, research methods and situations make it difficult to compare research. Therefore, applying contradictory researches results, publishing, interpreting, evaluating and recognizing their weaknesses requires a solution that is based on proper review and analysis of the research, using evidences and using a combined method. The meta-analysis provides an estimate that will not be affected by the size of the sample groups. For data collection, the library method has been used and the statistics used in the meta-analysis include Z, P-Value, Chi-square, F and t statistics, and these statistics should convert to a common scale that is called effect size. The purpose of using the effect size is to formulate various statistical findings of studies in a common numerical index and measurement to allow comparison and combination of statistical results of studies.
4.1 Statistical Population and Sample Selection
The study population in this study are articles (from experimental studies done) related to the impact of auditor characteristics on earnings quality worldwide and from the website of foreign journals (articles published during 2005-2020) and the websites of domestic scientific research journals (articles published during 2005-2020) were identified and collected. Finally, out of a total of 277 collected studies, 50 studies were analyzed according to the applied limitations and using the systematic removal method.
4.2 Research Models and Variables
4.2.1 Dependent Variable
A- The dependent variable is the profit quality, the indicators of which are described below:
1- Quality of accruals: Measured by Decho and Dechio (2002) in model (1):
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(6) | EY= |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
Table 1: List of domestic articles used for meta-analysis | |||||||||
row | researcher | Publish year | Research country | sample | Dependent variable | Independent variable | result | Statistic type | Statistic value |
1 | Mehrani et al. | 2013 | Iran | 217 | Quality of benefit (inclusive of): The value of propulsion And caution (conservatism) | Auditor tenure | Lack of significant relationship |
| 44.1- 09.1 and 07.2 60.0- |
Auditor size | Lack of significant relationship | ||||||||
2 | Piri & Sedqiani | 2016 | Iran | 83 | Profit quality (accruals) | Auditor tenure | Positive and significant relationship | z | 94.5 |
3 | Jahanshah & Lavasani | 2013 | Iran | 102 | Profit conservatism | Auditor tenure duration | Positive and significant relationship |
| 155.2 |
Auditor type (auditor size) | Lack of significant relationship | 510.0- | |||||||
4 | Khoramabadi et al. | 2019 | Iran | 128 | Profit quality (accruals) | Auditor tenure | Positive and significant relationship | t | 5307.2 |
5 | Khalilzadeh vet al. | 2012 | Iran | 72 | Profit conservatism | Auditor tenure | Lack of significant effect | t | 049.0- |
profit stability | Lack of significant effect | 913.0- | |||||||
6 | Khajavi & Hosseininia | 2014 | Iran | 69 | Profit conservatism | Auditor tenure | Lack of significant relationship | t | 088.1- |
7 | Khoshkar et al. | 2019 | Iran | 119 | financial reporting quality (Quality of optional accruals) | Audit fee | Negative and significant relationship | t | 87.6- |
8 | Rajabi et al. | 2015 | Iran | 70 | financial reporting quality (Quality of optional accruals) | Audit fee | Lack of significant relationship | t | 149.0 |
9 | Ramezani | 2019 | Iran | 105 | financial reporting quality (Quality of optional accruals) | Audit fee | Positive and significant relationship with profit quality | t | 537458.1 |
10 | Salehi et al. | 2016 | Iran | 184 | profit stability | Audit institute size | Existence of a positive and meaningful relationship | t | 7213.4 |
Audit expertise in industry | Existence of a positive and meaningful relationship | 7213.4 | |||||||
Auditor tenure | Lack of significant relationship | 7781.1 | |||||||
11 | Safarzadeh | 2014 | Iran | 212 | Accruals quality | Auditor rotation | Lack of significant relationship | t | 501.0- |
profit stability | Negative and significant relationship | 162.2- | |||||||
Profit smoothing | Negative and significant relationship | 390.4- | |||||||
Profit conservatism | Negative and significant relationship | 648.2- | |||||||
Profit timeliness | Positive and significant relationship | 628.3 | |||||||
Profit Predictability | Lack of significant relationship | 246.1 | |||||||
Accruals quality | Audit institute size | Lack of significant relationship | 420.0- | ||||||
profit stability | Lack of significant relationship | 706.0 | |||||||
Profit smoothing | Lack of significant relationship | 178.0 | |||||||
Profit conservatism | Lack of significant relationship | 620.0 | |||||||
Profit timeliness | Lack of significant relationship | 670.1 | |||||||
Profit Predictability | Lack of significant relationship | 149.0- | |||||||
Accruals quality | Auditor expertise in industry | Negative and significant relationship | 495.2- | ||||||
profit stability | Negative and significant relationship | 298.2- | |||||||
Profit smoothing | Lack of significant relationship | 286.1- | |||||||
Profit conservatism | Lack of significant relationship | 491.0- | |||||||
Profit timeliness | Positive and significant relationship | 273.3 | |||||||
Profit Predictability | Lack of significant relationship | 761.0 | |||||||
12 | Kashanipoor et al. | 2018 | Iran | 127 | Profit conservatism | Rotation (rotation / tenure) of the partners of the auditing institute | Positive and significant relationship | significance | 049.0
13 | Karami & Bazr afshan | 2010 | Iran | 58 | Profit conservatism | Auditor tenure | Negative and significant relationship | t | 713.5- |
14 | Marfoo & Amiri | 2014 | Iran | 102 | Optional accruals | Audit institute size | Negative and significant relationship | t | 92.2- |
Auditor expertise in industry | Negative and significant relationship | 38.4- | |||||||
15 | Malekian & Abdi poor | 2014 | Iran | 63 | Audit institute change | Profit conservatism | Positive and significant relationship | t | 556.3 |
16 | Nasir zadeh et al. | 2017 | Iran | 137 | Profit conservatism | Audit committee independence | Positive and significant relationship | t | 350.2 |
Audit committee size | Positive and significant relationship | 746.4 | |||||||
17 | Vakili Fard & Maranjoori | 2014 | Iran | 49 | Profit conservatism | Auditor tenure | Positive and significant relationship | t | 078.3 |
18 | Vakili Fard et al. | 2014 | Iran | 342 auditor’s change observation | accruals | Audit institute size | Lack of significant relationship | t | 504.1- |
19 | Alavi Tabari & Bazrafshan | 2013 | Iran | 68 | accruals | Auditor tenure | Negative and significant relationship | t | 459.2- |
20 | Etemadi et al. | 2009 | Iran | 117 | accruals | Auditor expertise in industry | Lack of significant relationship | t | 452.1- |
21 | Aqayi & Nazemi | 2012 | Iran | 117 | accruals | Auditor expertise in industry | Lack of significant relationship | t | 139.0- |
22 | Jabarzadeh et al. | 2011 | Iran | 72 | Optional accruals | Audit institute size | Lack of significant relationship | t | 237.1- |
Auditor tenure | Lack of significant relationship | 388.0 | |||||||
23 | Khodadadi et al. | 1395 | Iran | 82 | Profit stability | Audit fee | Negative and significant relationship | t | 211.5- |
24 | Azizkhani & Safarvandi | 1391 | Iran | 1626 year-company | Profit Predictability | Auditor tenure | Negative and significant relationship | t | 15.2- |
25 | Hassani | 2013 | Iran | 155 | Profit conservatism | Audit institute size | Positive and significant relationship | p-value | 0409.0
26 | Shams Al-dini et al. | 2017 | Iran | 819-year-company | Profit stability | Auditor tenure | Lack of significant relationship | t | 307.1 |
Accruals quality | Lack of significant relationship | 810.0- | |||||||
Profit stability | Audit institute size | Lack of significant relationship | 295.1 | ||||||
Accruals quality | Negative and significant relationship | 982.1- | |||||||
27 | Taghizadeh Khanqah | 2013 | Iran | 100 | Accruals quality | Auditor tenure | Negative and significant relationship | t | 143.4- |
28 | Khodadadi et al. | 2014 | Iran | 100 | Report timeliness | Auditor comment | Positive and significant relationship | t | 84.3 |
Table 2: List of foreign articles used for meta-analysis | ||||||||||
row | researcher | Publish year | Research country | sample | Dependent variable | Independent variable | result | Statistic type | Statistic value | |
1 | Husseini | 2009 | England | 4417 | Profit predictability | Audit institute size | Positive and significant relationship | p-value | 001.0
| |
2 | Suparsoto et al. | 2018 | Indonesia | 116 | Combined variable with factor analysis of (quality of accruals, profit stability, profit predictability and auditor expertise in the industry) | Audit institute size | Lack of significant relationship | t | 294.0- | |
Auditor tenure | Negative and significant relationship | 661.2- | ||||||||
Auditor expertise in industry | Lack of significant relationship | 563.1 | ||||||||
3 | Silvester et al. | 2018 | Brazil | 186 | discretionary accruals | Audit rotation | Positive and significant relationship | t | 210.9 | |
4 | Rasmin | 2010 | Australia | 325 | discretionary accruals | Non-audit services | Lack of significant relationship | t | 682.0 | |
Auditor expertise | Lack of significant relationship | 941.0- | ||||||||
5 | Al-Zui | 2017 | Jordan | 72 | discretionary accruals | Auditor tenure | Negative and significant relationship | t | 97.2- | |
Audit institute size | Negative and significant relationship | 56.2- | ||||||||
Auditor expertise in industry | Lack of significant relationship | 87.1- | ||||||||
Auditor independence | Negative and significant relationship | 98.4- | ||||||||
6 | Ata Paula | 2018 | Portugal | 4723 | discretionary accruals | Audit institute size | Negative and significant relationship | p-value | 000.0
| |
7 | Hamdan et al. | 2012 | Oman | 39 | Profit conservatism | Audit institute size | Negative and significant relationship | t | 164.3- | |
Auditor fee | Lack of relationship | 830.0- | ||||||||
Industry expertise | Lack of relationship | 906.1- | ||||||||
8 | Hamdan | 2020 | Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates | 59 | Profit conservatism | Auditor independence | Positive and significant relationship | t | 224.5 | |
Audit institute size | Positive and significant relationship | 480.2 | ||||||||
9 | Leong et al. | 2017 | China | 739 | accruals | Auditor tenure | Negative and significant relationship | t | 30.2- | |
10 | Kramer et al. | 2011 | U.S.A | 11643 | Profit conservatism | Auditor rotation | Positive and significant relationship | p-value | 000.0
| |
11 | Day et al. | 2002 | U.S.A | 207 | Accruals and timeliness | Auditor independence ( non-audit services) | Positive and significant relationship | t | 039.0 | |
12 | Jahmani | 2017 | Bahrain | 31 | discretionary accruals | Auditor independence | Lack of significant relationship | t | 974.0
| |
Audit institute size | Negative and significant relationship | 111.2- | ||||||||
13 | Aqustin | 2014 | Nigeria | 342 | discretionary accruals | Auditor independence | Lack of significant relationship | p-value | 948.0
| |
Auditor tenure | Lack of significant relationship | 235.0
| ||||||||
14 | Goul et al. | 2009 | China | 32777 | discretionary accruals | Audit tenure | Negative and significant relationship | t | 9.5-
| |
15 | Tour et al. | 2015 | Malaysia | 1002 | discretionary accruals | Audit institute size | Lack of significant relationship | t | 815.0- | |
16 | Al-Rassas | 2015 | Malaysia | 508 | discretionary accruals | Auditor independence | Negative and significant relationship | t | 38.2- | |
17 | Iyanlu | 2013 | Italy | 147 | Unusual accruals | Auditor independence (Non-audit services) | Positive and significant relationship | t | 49.3 | |
18 | Tourman | 2007 | Malaysia | 548 | discretionary accruals | Audit institute size | Lack of significant relationship | t | 400.0 | |
Auditor independence | Negative and significant relationship | 094.2- | ||||||||
19 | Chandrasgram et al. | 2013 | Malaysia | 153 | discretionary accruals | Audit institute size | Lack of significant relationship | p-value | 958.0
| |
Auditor independence | Lack of significant relationship | 778.0
| ||||||||
20 | Peterson | 2017 | Africa | 347 | Profit smoothing | Audit institute size | Lack of significant relationship | t | 38.1 | |
21 | Hog et al. | 2015 | India | 7308 | smoothing | Audit institute size | Negative and significant relationship | t | 10.4- | |
22 | Frankel et al. | 2002 | U.S.A | 3074 | Profit management | Non-audit services | Lack of significant relationship | Significance level | 07.0
Source: researcher’s findings
5.1 Statistical Description of Variables
The average effect size calculated for different studies in this study is 0.166, which is considered as a relatively average effect size; also, to investigate the publication bias, a funnel sample was drawn by the comprehensive meta-analysis software; in this study, it can be said that the publication bias has been minimized, so the statistical results are significant and reliable.
5.2 Results of Research Findings
The results of performing meta-analysis on the whole statistical sample, including internal and external studies, are reflected in separate tables. In the meta-analysis approach to test the research hypotheses, first the effect size heterogeneity test is justified in order to determine the type of meta-analysis model used to test the considered hypothesis. If the data is homogeneous, the fixed effects pattern is used, and if it is heterogeneous, the random effects pattern is used, the results of which are presented in Table 3:
Table 3: Effect size heterogeneity test
hypothesis | relationship between independent and dependent variables | Effect size heterogeneity test | Test result | ||||
Q statistic | Significance level | I2 value | |||||
Sub. 1 | Auditor independence and profit quality | 41.19 | 0.000 | 80.58 | Random effects | ||
Sub. 2 | Auditor rotation (auditor tenure) and profit quality | 191.08 | 0.000 | 89.01 | Random effects | ||
Sub. 3 | Auditor size and profit quality | 95.83 | 0.000 | 82.26 | Random effects | ||
Sub. 4 | Provide non-audit services by the auditor and profit quality | 9.61 | 0.008 | 79.19 | Random effects | ||
Sub. 5 | fee paid to the auditor and profit quality | 22.55 | 0.000 | 82.26 | Random effects | ||
Sub. 6 | Auditor expertise in industry and profit quality | 27.95 | 0.000 | 78.53 | Random effects |
Source: researcher’s findings
In Table 3, the Q statistic value for all variables is larger than the value of the table and the significance level of Q test is less than the significance level of 0.05. However, since this index is sensitive to increasing the number of effect size, and with increasing the number of effect sizes, the power of this test to reject homogeneity increases, so I square is another index that is used for this purpose; a I2 value for the considered variables is greater than 75%, indicating that the effect size heterogeneity is relatively high; Therefore, hypothesis zero is rejected and hypothesis one on the effect size heterogeneity of the mentioned variables is confirmed; therefore, due to the heterogeneity, a random effects model is used to estimate the effect size of these variables; considering that after reviewing the meta-analysis assumptions, it was concluded that the random effect model should be used to combine the results to report the effect size, so in Table 4, the effect size report of the studies performed in the random model is presented.
In the following, the results obtained from the use of meta-analysis models including point estimation (average based on sample size weighting) and interval estimation (confidence interval), effect size of studies along with test statistics and significance level in Table (5) are presented. In Table (5), out of 50 articles, 3 cases equal to 6% was in the lower class, 42 cases equal to 84% in the middle class and finally 5 cases equal to 10% in the upper class; therefore, the size of the effect obtained in the first interval (i.e. less than 0.1) is small and the study hypothesis is not strong enough. Also, when the value of r is in the second interval (i.e. between 0.1 and 0.3), the effect size is moderate, and finally, when the value of r is in the third interval, the intensity of the effect is evaluated as high. According to this classification, 84% of the size of the effects is evaluated in the middle group; therefore, it can be said that based on the results of meta-analysis, the auditor's characteristics and profit quality had a moderate relationship.
Table 4: Research Sub-Hypotheses Test Based On Fixed or Random Effects Pattern
hypothesis | Relationship between variables | Average weight size of effect | Effective size confidence interval | Z statistic | significance | result |
1 | Auditor independence and profit quality | 214.0 | (326.0 and 097.0) | 55.3 | 000.0 | confirm |
2 | Auditor rotation (auditor tenure) and profit quality | 208.0- | (160.0 - 254.0-)and | 35.8- | 000.0 | confirm |
3 | Auditor size and profit quality | 172.0- | (118.0 and- 225.0-) | 12.6- | 000.0 | confirm |
4 | Providing non-audit services by the auditor and profit quality | 089.0 | (-0.551 and 0.226) | 24.1 | 213.0 | reject |
5 | fee paid to the auditor and profit quality | 347.0- | -0.123 and -0.538) | 97.2- | 003.0 | confirm |
6 | Auditor expertise in industry and profit quality | 232.0- | (-0.099 and -0.356) | 39.3- | 001.0 | confirm |
Source: researcher’s findings
Table 5: Frequency Distribution of Effect Size Classes of Variables
Amplitude of effect intensity change | frequency | Frequency percentage |
Low effect intensity (less than 0.1 or greater than -0.1) | 3 | 06.0 |
Moderate effect intensity (between 0.1 to 0.3 or between -0.1 to -0.3) | 42 | 84.0 |
High impact intensity (greater than 0.3 or less than -0.3) | 5 | 10.0 |
Sum. | 50 | 100 |
Source: researcher’s findings
5.3 Investigation of Research Hypotheses
To examine the main hypothesis of the research, we examine the related sub-hypotheses, the results of which are shown in Table 7.
5.3.1 the First Sub-Hypothesis of the Research
The results of meta-analysis of the first sub-hypothesis of the research are presented in Tables 6 and 7.
Table 6: Effect Size Heterogeneity Test
Hypothesis name | relationship between independent and dependent variables | Effect size heterogeneity test | Test result | |||||
Q statistic | Significance level | I2 value | ||||||
Sub.1 | Auditor independence and profit quality | 41.19 | 0.000 | 80.58 | Random effects |
Table 7: effect size Average and confidence interval
hypothesis | Relationship between variables | Weight average of effect size | effect size confidence interval | Z statistic | Significance level | result |
Sub. 1 | Auditor independence and profit quality | 0.214 | (0.097 and 0.326) | 3.55 | 0.000 | confirm |
Source: researcher’s findings
In Table 6, 9 studies selected the auditor's independence as a characteristic of the auditor and examined its relationship with profit quality, the results of their meta-analysis is shown in Tables (4-4 and 5-4). The positive confidence interval reported from this number of studies (0.326 and 0.097) as well as the positive number, mean Z indicates a significant positive relationship between auditor independence and profit quality. Homogeneity test between studies with a value of 41.19 shows a lot of heterogeneity.
5.3.2 Second sub-hypothesis of the research
The results of meta-analysis of the second sub-hypothesis of the research are presented in Tables 8 and 9.
Table 8: Effect Size Heterogeneity Test
Hypothesis name | relationship between independent and dependent variables | Effect size heterogeneity test | Test result | |||||
Q statistic | Significance level | I2 value | ||||||
Sub. 2 | Auditor rotation (auditor tenure) and profit quality | 191.08 | 0.000 | 89.01 | Random effects |
Table 9: Average Effect Size and Confidence Interval
Hypothesis name | relationship between variables | Effect size weight average | effect size confidence interval | Z statistic | Significance level | Hypothesis result |
Sub. 2 | Auditor rotation (auditor tenure) and profit quality | -0.208 | (-0.254 and -0.160) | -8.35 | 000/0 | confirm |
Source: researcher’s findings
Also, 22 cases selected the auditor rotation (auditor tenure) as a feature of the auditor and examined its relationship with profit quality which the results of their meta-analysis are presented in Tables (4-4 and 5-4). The positive confidence interval reported from this number of studies (-0.160 and -0.254) as well as the negative number, mean Z indicates a significant negative relationship between auditor rotation (auditor tenure) and profit quality. The homogeneity test between studies with a value of 191.08 shows a large heterogeneity.
5.3.3 Third sub-hypothesis of research
The results of meta-analysis of the third sub-hypothesis of the research are presented in Tables (10) and (11):
Table 10: Effect size heterogeneity test
hypothesis | Relationship between independent and dependent variables | Effect size heterogeneity test | result | |||||
Q statistic | Significance level | I2 value | ||||||
Sub. 3 | Auditor size and profit quality | 95.83 | 0.000 | 82.26 | Random effects |
Table 11: effect size Average and confidence interval
Hypothesis name | Relationship between variables | Effect size weight average | effect size Average confidence interval | Z statistic | Significance level | result |
Sub. 3 | Auditor size and profit quality | -0.172 | (-0.118 and -0.225) | -6.12 | 0.000 | confirm |
Source: researcher’s findings
18 studies selected the size of the auditor as a feature of the auditor and examined its relationship with profit quality, the results of their meta-analysis are presented in Tables (4-4 and 5-4). The positive confidence interval reported from this number of studies (-0.118 and -0.225) as well as the negative number, mean Z indicates a significant negative relationship between auditor size and profit quality. Homogeneity test between studies with a value of 95.83 shows a lot of heterogeneity.
5.3.4 Fourth sub-hypothesis of the research
The results of meta-analysis of the fourth sub-hypothesis of the research are presented in Tables 12 and 13.
Table 12: Effect size heterogeneity test
hypothesis | relationship between independent and dependent variables | Effect size heterogeneity test | Test result | |||||
Q statistic | Significance level | I2 value | ||||||
Sub.4 | Providing non-audit services by the auditor and profit quality | 9.61 | 0.008 | 79.19 | Random effects |
Table 13: effect size Average and confidence interval
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