
  • احتشام راثی.رضا Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for Locating Flow Optimization Facilities in Supply Chain of Deteriorating Products [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • احمدی.مجید Future Study of Marketing in the Banking Industry with a focus on Blockchain Technology [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • اخوان.سمانه Validation of Urban Branding Model in order to Develop the Tourism Industry of Guilan Province [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]
  • ادب.حسین A Model of Evaluating the Agile of Health care Institute using a Stable Balanced Score Card (Case study: selected Hospitals in Guilan province) [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • اشرفی جو.بهمن Designing an Optimal Model Using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Non-Linear Time Series (case study: Tehran Stock Exchange Index) [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • اصلی زاده.احمد Interrelations Among Business Model Components and their Role in a Business Model System [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]
  • افشار کاظمی.محمد علی A Stock Market Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning Networks [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • انوری پور.حامد Designing a Pattern the Innovative Brand in order to Improve the Competitiveness of Iran's Petrochemical Industries Using Modeling ISM [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]


  • آسایش.فرزاد Future Study of Marketing in the Banking Industry with a focus on Blockchain Technology [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • آقااحمدی.قربانعلی Construction and Validation of Dimensions and Components of the Organizational Anomie Scale in Order to Provide a Native Model in Government Hospitals [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]
  • آلبو نعیمی.ابراهیم Evaluation and Prediction of International Marketing Management Factors for Wind Renewable Energy Equipment [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]



  • پویا.علیرضا A New Dynamic Nursing Workforce Planning Considering Skills Required at the Different Organizational Hierarchy: An Optimal Control Method [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]


  • تقی زاده.هوشنگ Innovation Capability Based on Clustering and Ranking Approach (Case Study: Food and Beverage Industries of Urmia Metropolis) [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • تمجید یامچلو.علیرضا Subjectivity Reduction of Qualitative Approach in Information Security Risk Analysis [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • توده بهمبری.ریحانه Identifying and Validating the Factors Affecting Online Social Media Marketing about Consumer Buying Behavior [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]


  • جوانمرد.حبیب اله Determining the Evolution Level of Logistics Systems in Large Industries [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]


  • چالاکی.کامیار Designing Cell Production Arrangement Scenarios with the Approach of Artificial Neural Networks [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]


  • حسن مرادی.نرگس Designing a People Capability Maturity Model Among Faculty Members (Case study: Islamic Azad University of Fars Province [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • حقیقت منفرد.جلال A Stock Market Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning Networks [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • حقیقت منفرد.جلال A Model of Evaluating the Agile of Health care Institute using a Stable Balanced Score Card (Case study: selected Hospitals in Guilan province) [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • حکیم پور.حسین Identifying and Validating the Factors Affecting Online Social Media Marketing about Consumer Buying Behavior [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]
  • حیدریه.سید عبدالله A Model for Identification of Factors Affecting Services Intelligent Supply Chains: A Meta-Synthesis Approach [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]


  • خدائی وله زاقرد.محمد Exploring The Effect of Personality and Demographic Characteristics on the Risk-Taking Behavior of Investors [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]


  • درودی.هما Validation of Urban Branding Model in order to Develop the Tourism Industry of Guilan Province [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]


  • رادفر.رضا Modeling Open R&D Ecosystem Via System Dynamics Approach A Case Study: Nanotechnology [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • رحمانی.کمال الدین Designing an Optimal Model Using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Non-Linear Time Series (case study: Tehran Stock Exchange Index) [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • رحمتی.مریم Construction and Validation of Dimensions and Components of the Organizational Anomie Scale in Order to Provide a Native Model in Government Hospitals [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]
  • رحیم نیا.فریبرز A New Dynamic Nursing Workforce Planning Considering Skills Required at the Different Organizational Hierarchy: An Optimal Control Method [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]
  • رضائیان.علی A Stock Market Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning Networks [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • رفیعی راد.زینب Construction and Validation of Dimensions and Components of the Organizational Anomie Scale in Order to Provide a Native Model in Government Hospitals [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]
  • روستا.علیرضا Future Study of Marketing in the Banking Industry with a focus on Blockchain Technology [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • روستا.علیرضا Evaluation and Prediction of International Marketing Management Factors for Wind Renewable Energy Equipment [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]


  • زرگر.سید محمد A Model for Identification of Factors Affecting Services Intelligent Supply Chains: A Meta-Synthesis Approach [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]


  • سحرخیز روشندل.فائقه A Model of Evaluating the Agile of Health care Institute using a Stable Balanced Score Card (Case study: selected Hospitals in Guilan province) [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • سعیدی.علی Exploring The Effect of Personality and Demographic Characteristics on the Risk-Taking Behavior of Investors [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • سلطان پناه.هیرش Development of Product Space Theory for Systemic Analysis of Industries in Kermanshah Province [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]


  • شاکری.رویا Designing Cell Production Arrangement Scenarios with the Approach of Artificial Neural Networks [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • شفیعی.مرتضی Four-Stage Supply Chain Design for Perishable Products and Evaluate it by Considering the Triple Dimensions of Sustainability [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • شکری.نرجس Designing a People Capability Maturity Model Among Faculty Members (Case study: Islamic Azad University of Fars Province [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • شهسواری گوغری.احسان Identification and Prioritization of Measures to Reduce the Failure of Safety Policies Based on the Technique of FMEA [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]
  • شیخ الاسلامی.نادر Designing a People Capability Maturity Model Among Faculty Members (Case study: Islamic Azad University of Fars Province [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]


  • ضیاالدینی.محمد Identification and Prioritization of Measures to Reduce the Failure of Safety Policies Based on the Technique of FMEA [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]


  • طالقانی.محمد Examining the Forex Market Based on Chaos Theory [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]
  • طباطبایی نسب.سید محمد Typology of Iranian Consumers based on Values System and Lifestyles: A Clustering Method [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]
  • طلوعی اشلقی.عباس Subjectivity Reduction of Qualitative Approach in Information Security Risk Analysis [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]


  • عبدالهی کیوانی.محمد Exploring The Effect of Personality and Demographic Characteristics on the Risk-Taking Behavior of Investors [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • علوی متین.یعقوب Designing an Optimal Model Using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Non-Linear Time Series (case study: Tehran Stock Exchange Index) [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]


  • فاریابی.محمد Developing a Dynamic Model for the Impact of Servicescape on Customer Experience in the Hotel Industry [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • فاطمی.عادل Development of Product Space Theory for Systemic Analysis of Industries in Kermanshah Province [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • فراحی.محمد مهدی A New Dynamic Nursing Workforce Planning Considering Skills Required at the Different Organizational Hierarchy: An Optimal Control Method [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]
  • فقهی فرهمند.ناصر Designing an Optimal Model Using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Non-Linear Time Series (case study: Tehran Stock Exchange Index) [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]


  • کاباران زاد قدیم.محمدرضا Designing and Validating a New Integrated Digital Marketing Model [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • کشاورز.سیروس Trading Strategies Based on Trading Systems: Evidence from the Performance of Technical Indicators [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • کفاش پور.آذر Proposing a Customer Experience Management Model Based on the Grounded Theory Approach in Aviation Industry (Case study: Taban Airline) [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]


  • گشتاسبی مهارلویی.رسول Exploring The Effect of Personality and Demographic Characteristics on the Risk-Taking Behavior of Investors [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]


  • لطفی زاده.فرشته Validation of Urban Branding Model in order to Develop the Tourism Industry of Guilan Province [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]


  • معتدل.محمدرضا Designing an Integrated Model of Mathematical Planning and IoT with Emphasis on Cost-Time-Routing Optimization of Intercity Transportation Systems [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]
  • ملک شیرآبادی.فرزاد Designing and Validating a New Integrated Digital Marketing Model [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • ملکی.محمد حسن Future Study of Marketing in the Banking Industry with a focus on Blockchain Technology [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • مهتدی.رضا Evaluation and Prediction of International Marketing Management Factors for Wind Renewable Energy Equipment [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • مهدوی.مریم Designing a People Capability Maturity Model Among Faculty Members (Case study: Islamic Azad University of Fars Province [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]


  • ناصرامینی جلودارلو.سمیه Developing a Dynamic Model for the Impact of Servicescape on Customer Experience in the Hotel Industry [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • ناصری.پوریا Modeling Open R&D Ecosystem Via System Dynamics Approach A Case Study: Nanotechnology [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • نتاتا.نتاا The Impact of Organizational Entrepreneurship on Improving Competitive Advantage with Mediating Role of Innovation in Start-up Digital Industries [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • نعامی.عبدالله Proposing a Customer Experience Management Model Based on the Grounded Theory Approach in Aviation Industry (Case study: Taban Airline) [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]
  • نعامی.عبداله Evaluation and Prediction of International Marketing Management Factors for Wind Renewable Energy Equipment [ المجلد 8, العدد 1 - شتاء السنة 2022]
  • نعامی.عبداله Proposing a Customer Experience Management Model Based on the Grounded Theory Approach in Aviation Industry (Case study: Taban Airline) [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]
  • نمامیان.فرشید Designing a Pattern the Innovative Brand in order to Improve the Competitiveness of Iran's Petrochemical Industries Using Modeling ISM [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]


  • هادوی‌نژاد.مصطفی Identification and Prioritization of Measures to Reduce the Failure of Safety Policies Based on the Technique of FMEA [ المجلد 8, العدد 3 - الصيف السنة 2022]
  • هنرمند عظیمی.مرتضی Innovation Capability Based on Clustering and Ranking Approach (Case Study: Food and Beverage Industries of Urmia Metropolis) [ المجلد 8, العدد 4 - الخريف السنة 2022]
  • هنرمند عظیمی.مرتضی Modeling of Overdue Receivables in the City Bank Using Factor-based Simulation (Northwestern Provinces of the Country) [ المجلد 8, العدد 2 - ربيع السنة 2022]