فهرس المقالات Afra Gharibpour

  • المقاله

    1 - Evaluation of the Urban Settlement s Optimal System
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , العدد 5 , السنة 2 , پاییز 2012
    In developing countries, the domination of peripheral and dependent capitalism relations and the lack ofappropriate structures and channels of attracting, this system have caused some kind of spatial-anatomic unbalances that hasresulted in the appearance of single citie أکثر
    In developing countries, the domination of peripheral and dependent capitalism relations and the lack ofappropriate structures and channels of attracting, this system have caused some kind of spatial-anatomic unbalances that hasresulted in the appearance of single cities with national and regional prevalence. This situation is the main reason for small,medium and intermediate cities to lose their role in the third-world countries and, therefore, for some kind of urban network toappear having consequences, especially at regional scales, like the deceleration or, in some cases, the stop of the dispersion of theexpected effects of development and the lack of a chain or network of settlement focuses connecting the settlement system of theregion together. The presented work has been planned to focusing on the study and analysis of the urban system of Hamadanprovince, Iran, with aims to present an appropriate pattern for mentioned province according to the common models and techniquesof urban system analyses and methods. Results showed that currently the urban system of Hamadan province is unbalanced;however, the analysis of this system at a regional scale could be useful in regional development management and planning.Nevertheless, it is necessary that the urban system is considered in relation to neighbor regions and national space and in systematicterms. Finally, improvement of systematic viewpoints in planning for urban system and Location and leveling of new activities andsettlement areas are recommended to be implemented in coincidence with the suggested urban system. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Definition of Architecture
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , العدد 5 , السنة 2 , پاییز 2012
    This paper seeks to investigate a new definition for architecture by unifying the three Vitruvian principlesof firmitas, utilities, and venustas via a phenomenological approach in the interpretation and analysis of their role indefining architecture. The paper is compos أکثر
    This paper seeks to investigate a new definition for architecture by unifying the three Vitruvian principlesof firmitas, utilities, and venustas via a phenomenological approach in the interpretation and analysis of their role indefining architecture. The paper is composed in two main sections. The first section investigates the nature of architecturebased on the mentioned principles, where architecture is interpreted and analyzed in terms of its “thingly,” “equipmental,”and “artistic” characters. While it seems that architecture could be in view of its “thingness” alone, or “equip mentality”,or “artless”, but each perspective reveals only a dimension of the nature of architecture. Therefore, the second section ofthis paper focuses on unifying the Vitruvian Triad, attempting to define architecture from the single stance of “architecturality”the sphere from which architecture is seen as a way of disclosing the truth in the desired life of humans in an architecturalwork. In this definition, there is the simultaneous presence of thingness, equip mentality, and artless of architecture, thusestablishing an integral unity between the principles of the Vitruvian Triad. Thus, the three Vitruvian principles come tounify in architecture which is defined as “the manifestation of truth of human desired life in the work of architecture.” Thisdefinition also allows us to assume three fundamental principles for architecture, “truth of human desired life”, “work ofarchitecture” and “manifestation of truth”. These three principles are themselves, in fact, reflections of the threeVitruvian principles. تفاصيل المقالة