فهرس المقالات Hossein Sadegh Lafmejani

  • المقاله

    1 - Three-Body force effects on breakup and formation of 6Li nuclei
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 17 , زمستان 2023
    During helium transforms into heavier elements, both of 6Li radiative capture reaction and its breakup occur in the stars. 6Li radiative capture reaction and its inverse have been studied using Effective Field Theory (EFT), up to next to leading order (NLO). The deuteron أکثر
    During helium transforms into heavier elements, both of 6Li radiative capture reaction and its breakup occur in the stars. 6Li radiative capture reaction and its inverse have been studied using Effective Field Theory (EFT), up to next to leading order (NLO). The deuteron-alpha reaction and the photodisintegration rates of the 6Li(γ,α)d reaction have been calculated. Alpha particle was assumed to be structureless and coulomb effects considered between the charged particles. The inverse reaction rate has been estimated for E1 and E2 transitions by adding the three-body forces, up to NLO. The scattering amplitude are calculated at the initial P-wave states of deuteron-alpha for the sum of both E1 and E2 multipole transitions. The obtained results are in good agreement with the available experimental data and those of other theoretical models, at the energies relevant to the Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). The 6Li(γ,α)d reaction rate is also found to be acceptable in comparison with the other theoretical results. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Damping effects in ^{100}Sn ^{+ 16}O and ^{100}Sn ^{+ 16Ca} collisions
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 16 , زمستان 2022
    Skyrme Forces (SF) Based Mean Field Model (MFM) or related density function is widely used to describe nuclear states, collective vibrational excitation, and heavy-ion collisions. To investigate 100Sn+16O and 100Sn+48Ca collisions on a 3-dimensional(3D) mesh with Skyrme أکثر
    Skyrme Forces (SF) Based Mean Field Model (MFM) or related density function is widely used to describe nuclear states, collective vibrational excitation, and heavy-ion collisions. To investigate 100Sn+16O and 100Sn+48Ca collisions on a 3-dimensional(3D) mesh with Skyrme SV-bas forces in Ecm=100, 150, and 200 MeV, Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Skyrme(TDHFS) computations were done. The effective interaction in the computation of reaction dynamics as an important role in understanding the dynamics of the reaction provides us with knowledge about the characteristics of heavy-ion reactions' effective interaction. The effect of increasing the ratio of neutrons to protons and the symmetry and asymmetry of the nuclei, as well as the size of the box at different energies, on the structure of the composite core, was investigated. The 100Sn+16O collision time course findings reveal that the continuous dampening effect remains after the fusion process. The damping mechanism has been demonstrated to be connected to breaking the dependency on box size, which is like the twisted average boundary condition that may avoid box size impacts on the 3D coordinate space employed, whereas periodic boundary conditions are seen for 100Sn +48Ca. تفاصيل المقالة