فهرس المقالات Hasan Rezaei

  • المقاله

    1 - آموزش اسکیس؛ از نظر تا عمل
    هویت شهر , العدد 4 , السنة 10 , پاییز 1395
    دیرزمانی است که نشر معماری با مشق معمار عجین شده و موضوع کاربردی و کثیرالرّوایت اسکیس همواره همچونطراحی مورد توجه بوده است. فراگیر معماری معمولاً در روندی آموزشی-تربیتی فاصله تصوّر، صورت و تصویر را با توسعۀمهارت های خود در ترسیم مشق می نماید و با اسکیس کردن است که به أکثر
    دیرزمانی است که نشر معماری با مشق معمار عجین شده و موضوع کاربردی و کثیرالرّوایت اسکیس همواره همچونطراحی مورد توجه بوده است. فراگیر معماری معمولاً در روندی آموزشی-تربیتی فاصله تصوّر، صورت و تصویر را با توسعۀمهارت های خود در ترسیم مشق می نماید و با اسکیس کردن است که به نشراندیشه و خیال پردازی می پردازد. اینچرخه در فرایند آموزش، سلسله مراتب اسکی سهای حصولی، حضوری وخلّق است که در ادبیات رایج آموزشی با واژگانکروکی، طرح شماتیک و اسکیس شناخته م یشوند. درک این سلسله مراتب به طور ضمنی با میزان فهم ما از تصوّر و طرح وارهو به طور صریح با میزان مهار تهای ما مرتبط است. در این پژوهش سعی شده با ارائه چرخه اسکیس از نظر تا عمل، ماهیتاین آداب با توجه آمیخته به کلیات و جزئیاتِ آموزش طراحی مدلسازی شود و از این رو وضعیت آموزش اسکیس به عنوان نمونهدرآزمون معماری دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی بررسی شده اس تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Analyzing the Climatic Potentials for Development of Tourism and Water Sports in Khorassan Razavi Province of Iran
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , العدد 2 , السنة 8 , بهار 2018
    Nowadays, tourism is affected by the knowledge of a region’s climatic characteristics. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the potential regions and appropriate time for attracting tourists in relation to climatic comfort. Due to having climatic diversity and wat أکثر
    Nowadays, tourism is affected by the knowledge of a region’s climatic characteristics. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the potential regions and appropriate time for attracting tourists in relation to climatic comfort. Due to having climatic diversity and water resources such as rivers, waterfalls, caves and hot springs, Khorassan Razavi province is one of the potential regions for tourism attraction in IRAN. This study attempts to assess human comfort or discomfort for recreational and water sports activities according to Equivalent Effective Temperature (EET) index using meteorological data from Khorassan Razavi synoptic station for 1990-2011. Furthermore, the climatic comfort zoning map for tourism in the province was made by ArcGIS and Geographic Information System (GIS) potentials by inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation method. The results showed that October, June, September, April, May, August and July have the best comfort conditions for recreational activities and water sports, respectively. Also, Nishabur and Chenaran cities with 4 and Mashhad with 1 month had the longest and the shortest monthly periods for using water resorts, respectively. Similarly, in this research, available appropriate tourism areas are introduced according to the EET index for different months in order to achieve a higher understanding of the province’s potentials. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - The Influence of Paris School of Fine Arts on Architecture Education in Iran
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , العدد 5 , السنة 3 , پاییز 2013
    By its academic-aristocratic approach at the beginning, and the mere artistic vision of art afterwards, Beaux Artshad become the cottage of hopes and dreams for art-lovers and artists from Iran and all around the world. Accordingly, Iran, like manyother countries, has h أکثر
    By its academic-aristocratic approach at the beginning, and the mere artistic vision of art afterwards, Beaux Artshad become the cottage of hopes and dreams for art-lovers and artists from Iran and all around the world. Accordingly, Iran, like manyother countries, has had consecutive associations and interactions with these schools, especially beaux-arts school, in qualitative andquantitative dimensions “Beaux-arts” school has had an extraordinary expanded character among classical educational schools inItaly and Germany and has played a positive and rooted role on art education world. What was going on continuously in E’cole formany years was nothing but a stone sinking in a pond, whose inevitable waves’ beams affected the whole pond. Art Education was thepond, Beaux Arts the stone. E’cole de Beaux-Arts set up the starting point of many artistic, educational and political events in thedomain of art education. So, may we assume Beaux-Arts as the starting point and the godfather of most of Iranian art educationsystems? Examining this subject in the context of art education history can be done through various methods. Historical periods,geopolitical entities, nationalism, international network of effects, and subjects orthemes each can have a framework or compositionfor forming the international history of art education. This article sets to express France’s E’cole de Beaux-Arts Educationhistorically, and tries to assess the deep qualitative and quantitative influences of the E’cole on Iran’s Art educational system,especially on architecture education, by gathering information through well-known artists and graduates of Beaux-Arts. تفاصيل المقالة