فهرس المقالات Abbas Kangi

  • المقاله

    1 - The effect of Tous fault on groundwater resources in northern parts of Mashhad plain
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , العدد 4 , السنة 11 , تابستان 2019
    Mashhad Plain affects by a series of active faults in the northern margin of the Binalud and the southern margin of the Kopet-Dagh mountain ranges. The activity of these faults forms the morphology of the stepped bedrock of the Plain. In addition, the faults’ acti أکثر
    Mashhad Plain affects by a series of active faults in the northern margin of the Binalud and the southern margin of the Kopet-Dagh mountain ranges. The activity of these faults forms the morphology of the stepped bedrock of the Plain. In addition, the faults’ activities in the Quaternary period are the main effective parameters in thickness and texture of aquifer deposits in Mashhad Plain. In this regard, one of the active and important faults in Mashhad Plain is Tous fault, which runs from the northwest of Mashhad Plain into the city of Mashhad. The present research aims to analyze the effect of this fault on groundwater resources in the north of Mashhad Plain. For this purpose, ancient geoelectric studies and many well logs data are gathered, interpreted and by the combination of all of the geology information a new model for groundwater resource of the area proposed. The results of this study indicate that activities of Tous fault results to the uplifting of the Neogene Marly bedrock of Mashhad Plain, which such as a barrier prevents the flow of groundwater from the northern plain to the main aquifer of Mashhad Plain, and practically has divided the alluvial aquifer of Mashhad Plain into two parts. The maximum sediment thickness can be seen adjacent to the fault in the north of the Tous region and the tomb of Ferdowsi. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - نقش گسل چاهشک بر کیفیت چاه های آب شرب شمال غرب دشت مشهد
    زمین شناسی محیط زیست , العدد 5 , السنة 12 , زمستان 1397
    دشت مشهد در یک موقعیت ساختاری ویژه و تحت تاثیر عملکرد مجموعه ای از گسل های فعال حاشیه شمالی رشته کوه بینالود، حاشیه جنوبی رشته کوه کپه داغ و پهنه بخاردن قوچان در غرب قرار گرفته است. فعالیت این گسل ها مورفولوژی پله کانی سنگ کف دشت را شکل داده اند. همچنین عملکرد گسلهای فع أکثر
    دشت مشهد در یک موقعیت ساختاری ویژه و تحت تاثیر عملکرد مجموعه ای از گسل های فعال حاشیه شمالی رشته کوه بینالود، حاشیه جنوبی رشته کوه کپه داغ و پهنه بخاردن قوچان در غرب قرار گرفته است. فعالیت این گسل ها مورفولوژی پله کانی سنگ کف دشت را شکل داده اند. همچنین عملکرد گسلهای فعال در دوره کواترنری ضخامت و گسترش رسوبات آبرفتی دارای پتانسیل بالای آبدهی را تحت تاثیر قرار داده است. گسل چاهشک به عنوان یکی از شاخه های فرعی پهنه گسل شاندیز در بخش مرکزی دشت مشهد، نقش مهمی در کنترل رفتار هیدرولیکی منابع آب زیرزمینی این دشت ایفا می کند. این گسل بر اساس تلفیق پروفیل های ژئوالکتریک و نتایج حفاریهای دستگاهی برای نخستین بار در این پژوهش شناسایی شده است. چاه های حفاری شده در شمال گسل چاهشک با آبدهی خوب غالبا در عمق بیش از 250 متر به سنگ کف رسی و کنگلومرای نئوژن برخورد نموده اند. اما چاه های حفاری شده در جنوب گسل با آبدهی بسیار کم و یا فاقد آبدهی عموما در عمق 100 تا 140 متری به سنگ کف متامورفیک برخورد کرده اند. بالا آمدگی سنگ کف در جنوب گسل چاهشک سبب ایجاد مورفولوژی پله کانی در پی سنگ متاموفیک بخش جنوبی دشت مشهد گردیده است. این بالا آمدگی متامورفیک بصورت یک ساختمان گل مانند مثبت، تحت تاثیر سیستم گسلش امتداد لغز راست گرد، با مکانیسم ترنس تنشن ایجاد شده است. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - گسل طوس مهمترین عامل کنترل کننده رفتار هیدرولیکی بخش شمالی آبخوان دشت مشهد
    زمین شناسی محیط زیست , العدد 2 , السنة 13 , تابستان 1398
    دشت مشهد در یک موقعیت ساختاری ویژه و تحت تاثیر عملکرد مجموعه ای از گسل های فعال حاشیه شمالی رشته کوه بینالود، حاشیه جنوبی رشته کوه کپه داغ و پهنه بخاردن- قوچان در غرب قرار گرفته است. فعالیت این گسل ها مورفولوژی پله کانی سنگ کف دشت را شکل داده اند. همچنین عملکرد گسلهای ف أکثر
    دشت مشهد در یک موقعیت ساختاری ویژه و تحت تاثیر عملکرد مجموعه ای از گسل های فعال حاشیه شمالی رشته کوه بینالود، حاشیه جنوبی رشته کوه کپه داغ و پهنه بخاردن- قوچان در غرب قرار گرفته است. فعالیت این گسل ها مورفولوژی پله کانی سنگ کف دشت را شکل داده اند. همچنین عملکرد گسلهای فعال در دوره کواترنری ضخامت و گسترش رسوبات آبرفتی دارای پتانسیل بالای آبدهی را تحت تاثیر قرار داده است. گسل طوس به عنوان یکی از شاخه های فرعی پهنه گسل کشف رود در بخش شمالی دشت مشهد، نقش مهمی در کنترل رفتار هیدرولیکی منابع آب زیرزمینی این دشت ایفا می کند. بر اساس تلفیق پروفیل های ژئوالکتریک و نتایج حفاریهای دستگاهی، گسل طوس به عنوان شاخه فرعی و پیشرو گسل کشف رود، با مکانیسم Fault-Propagation Folds و بدون رخنمون سطحی، در زیر مجموعه ای از تاقدیس های شمال دشت مشهد در حال تکامل است. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    4 - Location of Yazd Aerial Relief Sites in the Disasters of Geological Hazards of the Earthquake Using Spatial Information System
    Journal of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing and GIS , العدد 1 , السنة 3 , زمستان 2020
    Natural hazards have always changed the environment and threatened human life. In this regard, geological hazards including earthquake, subsidence, etc. are the most destructive natural factors that our country, Iran, is affected by them. That is why planning and prepar أکثر
    Natural hazards have always changed the environment and threatened human life. In this regard, geological hazards including earthquake, subsidence, etc. are the most destructive natural factors that our country, Iran, is affected by them. That is why planning and preparation to deal with these catastrophes is essential. Aerial communication networks have an important role in the relief operation because of the rapid access after an earthquake. The purpose of this study, is locating an appropriate site of air rescuing after a casualty. Hierarchical analysis method was used for weighting after determining the effective indicators in locating; including the area of open space of the site, access to dense and vulnerable texture, service user and main arteries. After preparing the final map, zones of avoidance were announced. The evaluation method similarity to ideal option in the software environment of the spatial information system was used to select the final site. This study is an applied research because of its aim and it has been carried out using descriptive - analytical method. According to obtained results, three squares called Sanat, Saheb-a Zaman and Farhang were selected as suitable sites. Sanat square was identified as an appropriate site because of having the highest score according to defined criteria تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    5 - Stability Causes of Ab-Ask landslide dam in Haraz river
    journal of Geotechnical Geology , العدد 1 , السنة 12 , زمستان 2016
    So far so many landslide dams have developed along the steep slopes of Haraz valley, and the failure of some of them have claimed many lives and caused huge damages. Damavand eruption, the event of huge earthquakes and rapid snow-melting, are the most important causes o أکثر
    So far so many landslide dams have developed along the steep slopes of Haraz valley, and the failure of some of them have claimed many lives and caused huge damages. Damavand eruption, the event of huge earthquakes and rapid snow-melting, are the most important causes of landslide dam development. In 1999, along with rapid snow-melting in May, Ab-Ask landslide took place in the south of Damavand volcano. This landslide berried Pashang village, destroyed 450 m of Tehran-Amol main road and blocked Haraz river. This landslide dam is 20 m above the river level and its lake is at most of 700 m length, 300m width and 15m depth. Just like rapid-rock slide, this landslide occurred in the beddings of early Jurassic shale, sandstone and coals. The surface of the rupture formed along the bedding plane. Immediately after the main landslide and river's blockage there was a rock avalanche when a huge mass of big Travertine rocks fell on the northern part of the landslide. These boulders are haphazardly placed in the mud from the landslide and this has turned the northern landslide mass to be strongly firm. Following the landslide dam being filled, water overflew from the northern part of the landslide mass. Presence of Travertine boulders in this part has prevented the landslide dam from erosion during the past 17 years. The flow of Haraz river's overtopping water over the Ab-Ask landslide mass and water seepage through different parts have all created a dangerous situation. Nevertheless, Ab-Ask landslide dam's resistance in such hard a situation has made for a uniquely gorgeous instance of landslide dams. تفاصيل المقالة

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    6 - Warning and Rapid Estimation of Earthquake Damage (WARED) system: A New method for Rapid Determination of Earthquakes Damage and Fatality in IRAN
    journal of Geotechnical Geology , العدد 1 , السنة 12 , بهار 2016
    WARED system is Internet-based software that automatically receives the seismic information from Iran seismic center (ISC) every 10 seconds. The information is processed in a few seconds and damage assessment maps of various parts of the city (such as buildings, hospita أکثر
    WARED system is Internet-based software that automatically receives the seismic information from Iran seismic center (ISC) every 10 seconds. The information is processed in a few seconds and damage assessment maps of various parts of the city (such as buildings, hospitals, bridges, etc.) become available, in layered format, to rescue groups through system site. WARED system based on the population exposed to each Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) level, it estimates the losses from earthquakes in residential areas. This system was implemented in the municipality of Mashhad (North East of Iran) in January 2014. Principles of information processing in this system depend on three main factors including the magnitude and location of earthquakes, the properties of the rocks and sediment the earthquake waves travel through, and the technical characteristics of the buildings (strength, age, type, and geotechnical conditions of soil, etc.). Therefore PGA is used as the most important parameter to assess the damages and fatality occurred. Primary purpose of WARED system is rapid dissemination of earthquake impact assessments for decision-making purposes. This is motivated by the idea that an estimated range of damage and number of deaths will aid in decisions regarding humanitarian response. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    7 - The Effect of Fracture Intersection on Drilling Mud Loss in Iranian Gas Fields
    journal of Geotechnical Geology , العدد 1 , السنة 9 , پاییز 2013
    Kangan and Dalan formations are one of main reservoir rocks in Fars structural province in Iran south. in XXP gas field available fractures in Kangan formation have main effect on drilling mud loss. Although shale rate change of reservoir rock units is a key factor in c أکثر
    Kangan and Dalan formations are one of main reservoir rocks in Fars structural province in Iran south. in XXP gas field available fractures in Kangan formation have main effect on drilling mud loss. Although shale rate change of reservoir rock units is a key factor in control of fractures distribution in upright direction. But lateral distinction in reservoir rock leakage is affected by opening amount of intersection fractures. During 31 wells drilling in TBK, drilling mud loss has occurred in 12 wells. Drilling mud loss in these wells has been observed in Kangan formation and in anticline axis range. On the basis of surface studies and EMI images’ interpretation, two major groups of fractures with non tectonic origin have been recognized in XXP anticline. These fractures have geometric characteristics including Dr. 150/80, Dr. 240/80. Two desired fracture groups are crossover and vertical on layered surface. These fractures are codirection and intersection type with main fractures of southern Pars field. Desired fractures have evolved by the effect of upper layers’ weight before folding. Fracture Intersection have been stretched in fold axis range by folding effect and extra opening has been occurred on their surface. Extra opening of fractures intersection in fold axis range has caused drilling mud loss increase in this part of the field. تفاصيل المقالة