فهرس المقالات Tayeb Sakinejad

  • المقاله

    1 - Investigation Effect of Different Amount and Time of Apply a Bio-Regulator on Growth Indices of <i>Vicia faba</i> L.
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , العدد 2 , السنة 7 , بهار 2021
    BACKGROUND: Gibberellins may play a key role in many metabolic pathways affecting these characteristics, such as chlorophyll production and degradation, translocation of assimilates, nitrogen metabolism, and nitrogen redistribution.OBJECTIVES: The current study was cond أکثر
    BACKGROUND: Gibberellins may play a key role in many metabolic pathways affecting these characteristics, such as chlorophyll production and degradation, translocation of assimilates, nitrogen metabolism, and nitrogen redistribution.OBJECTIVES: The current study was conducted to assess the effect of different amount and time of apply Gibberellin acid on growth curves and crop production of Broad bean.METHODS: This research was done via factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications along 2010 year. The treatments included different concentration of Gibberellin (nonuse of Gibberellin or control, 5 ppm, 50 ppm and 250 ppm) and time of application Gibberellin (Vegetative growth before flowering, flowering until pod emergence, Pod emergence until grain filing).RESULT: Result of analysis of variance revealed effects of different amount, time of apply Gibberellin acid and interaction effect of treatments on seed yield was significant at 5% probability level. Compare different level of Gibberellin acid concentration revealed maximum amount of seed yield (2761 kg.ha-1), leaf area index (2.43), total dry matter (3750 gr.m-2), relative growth rate (0.049 gr.gr.day-1), crop growth rate (34 gr.m-2.day-1) and net assimilation rate (7.5 gr.m-2.day-1) belonged to 50 ppm Gibberellin acid and lowest ones was for control treatment. Also among different time of apply Gibberellin acid, maximum amount of mentioned traits was for Vegetative growth before flowering phase and the lowest one belonged to pod emergence until grain filing.CONCLUSION: Consume 50 ppm Gibberellin acid concentration at vegetative growth before flowering phase had the highest amount of crop production and growth indices and it can be advised to farmers. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Assessment Effect of Different Amount and Time of Apply Gibberellin Acid on Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Broad Bean
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , العدد 5 , السنة 6 , پاییز 2020
    BACKGROUND: Gibberellins (GAs) are essential endogenous hormones found in plants and fungi controlling plant development by regulating several physiological mechanisms.OBJECTIVES: This research was done to assess the effect of different amount and time of apply Gibberel أکثر
    BACKGROUND: Gibberellins (GAs) are essential endogenous hormones found in plants and fungi controlling plant development by regulating several physiological mechanisms.OBJECTIVES: This research was done to assess the effect of different amount and time of apply Gibberellin acid on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Broad bean.METHODS: This research was conducted according factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications along 2010 year. The treatments included different concentration of Gibberellin (nonuse of Gibberellin or control, 5 ppm, 50 ppm and 250 ppm) and time of application Gibberellin (Vegetative growth before flowering, flowering until pod emergence, Pod emergence until grain filing).RESULT: Result of analysis of variance revealed effects of different amount, time of apply Gibberellin acid and interaction effect of treatments on all studied traits was significant. Assess mean comparison result of interaction effect of treatments indicated maximum amount of number of pod per plant (17.34), number of seed per pod (7.48), seed weight (1320 gr), seed yield (2899 kg.ha-1), harvest index (48.50%), biologic yield (6140 kg.ha-1), leaf area index (2.61), protein content (30.00%) and nitrogen content (4.80%) was noted for 50 ppm and vegetative growth before flowering and lowest amount of mentioned traits belonged to nonuse of Gibberellin acid at pod emergence until grain filing.CONCLUSION: Use 50 ppm Gibberellin acid at vegetative growth before flowering led to produce maximum amount of quantitative and qualitative studied traits and can proposed to farmers in studied region. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Assess Effect of Different Level of Biochar and Humic Acid on Crop Production and Nutrition Content of Maize Affected Water Stress Condition
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , العدد 2 , السنة 8 , بهار 2022
    BACKGROUND: Water deficit stress is one of the most important agricultural problems in arid and semi-arid regions. Biochar has a great ability to absorb and store nutrients and chemical fertilizers, even keeping elements such as phosphorus and nitrogen and preventing th أکثر
    BACKGROUND: Water deficit stress is one of the most important agricultural problems in arid and semi-arid regions. Biochar has a great ability to absorb and store nutrients and chemical fertilizers, even keeping elements such as phosphorus and nitrogen and preventing their leaching, increases the growth of plants.OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this research was to study the effect of Biochar and Humic acid amounts on the absorption of elements and the seed yield of corn hybrid (SC.704) under water deficit stress in Ahvaz region.METHODS: Current study was conducted in the form of a split split plot experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications during the cropping years 2016-2018 and 2018-2019 in Ahvaz. The main plot includes water deficit stress with three levels of irrigation (irrigation after draining 30, 40 and 50% of the field capacity, respectively, optimal irrigation, mild stress and severe stress). Also the sub-plot includes biochar with 2 levels (no use of biochar and the application of 4 t.ha-1) and sub-subplot included humic acid with 4 levels (no application of humic acid, application of 2, 4 and 6 liters of humic acid per hectare).RESULT: The results of analysis of variance showed that the effect of water stress, biochar and humic acid on all measured traits was significant. Also interaction effect of treatments was significant (instead effect of water stress × biochar on seed yield, iron and zinc seed content and water stress × humic acid on seed yield) Under severe stress conditions, seed yield decreased (36%). Humic acid had a positive and significant effect on all studied traits. The maximum seed yield (8995.18 kg.ha-1) was related to the irrigation treatment after draining 40% of the field capacity and applying 4 t.ha-1 of biochar.CONCLUSION: In general, in conditions of moderate moisture stress, the use of 4 liters of humic acid per hectare increased the seed yield by 42% compared to the treatment of severe stress and no use of humic acid. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    4 - Evaluation Seed Yield, Its Components and Morphological Traits of Corn in Response of Consume Super Absorbent Polymers and Nitroxin
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , العدد 1 , السنة 5 , زمستان 2019
    BACKGROUND: Super absorbent polymers (SAP) by increasing the capacity of water storage and nutrition materials, reduction of wasting water and evaporation from the surface of soil improve crop production under water stress condition. Bio-fertilizers have the significant أکثر
    BACKGROUND: Super absorbent polymers (SAP) by increasing the capacity of water storage and nutrition materials, reduction of wasting water and evaporation from the surface of soil improve crop production under water stress condition. Bio-fertilizers have the significant advantages to chemical fertilizers; for instance, they do not produce toxic and bacterial substances in the food chain, are able to reproduce spontaneously, can improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, are affordable economically and are acceptable environmentally. OBJECTIVES: This research is aimed to examine the changes of seed yield, its components and morphological traits of corn affected different level of SAP and Nitroxin bio-fertilizer. METHODS: Current study was carried out via factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications during 2015-2016. The first factor included different level of SAP (S1= nonuse of SAP or control, S2= 100 kg.ha-1 and S3= 150 kg.ha-1 SAP) and second factor consisted three level of Nitroxin (N1= nonuse of Nitroxin or control, N2= 1 L.ha-1 and N3= 3 L.ha-1 Nitroxin, used in stem elongation). RESULT: Result analysis of variance revealed effect of SAP on all measured traits (instead ear diameter, number of row per ear) was significant, also effect of Nitroxin on all measured traits (instead plant height, stem diameter, ear length, harvest index) was significant. Interaction effect of treatments on all measured traits (instead plant height) was not significant. According result of mean comparison of different level of super absorbent that maximum plant height (179 cm) stem diameter (2.5 cm), ear length (19 cm), seed yield (8455 kg.ha-1), biologic yield (13266 kg.ha-1), harvest index (60%), Number of seed per row (27), 100-seed weight (23 gr) was noted for use 150 kg.ha-1 super absorbent and minimum amount of mentioned traits was belonged to control treatment. Also between different level of Nitroxin the highest amount of measured traits observed for 1 L.ha-1 treatment. CONCLUSION: Generally results of current study indicated consume 150 kg.ha-1 SAP and 1 L.ha-1 Nitroxin led to improve seed yield, its components, harvest index and morphological traits from aspect economically and it can be advised to producers. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    5 - Effect of Foliar Application of Auxin on the Growth Indices and Crop Production of Wheat Cultivars in Southwest of Iran (Ahvaz region)
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , العدد 5 , السنة 9 , پاییز 2023
    BACKGROUND: Growth regulators are organic substances besides nutrients, synthesized in plants, causing alteration in their cellular metabolism. Synthesis of some plant hormones is adversely affected by environmental factors, which causes restriction on physiological pro أکثر
    BACKGROUND: Growth regulators are organic substances besides nutrients, synthesized in plants, causing alteration in their cellular metabolism. Synthesis of some plant hormones is adversely affected by environmental factors, which causes restriction on physiological processes of the plant and ultimately, limits their growth potential.OBJECTIVES: This study was designed and implemented with the aim of evaluating foliar application of different amounts of auxin hormone on the physiological traits and seed yield of wheat cultivars.METHODS: Current research was conducted in the crop year of 1400-01 in Ahvaz city according split plot experiment based on completely randomized block design (RCBD) with three replications. The treatments included wheat cultivars at three levels (Chamran 2, Behrang and Mehrgan) and auxin hormone at three levels (including zero or control, 50 ppm and 100 ppm), which were placed in the main and sub plots, respectively.RESULT: The results showed that the difference between cultivars and different amounts of auxin hormone consumption was statistically significant in terms of effect on total dry matter, leaf area index, crop growth rate and seed yield. The mutual effects of cultivars and auxin hormone had a significant effect on seed yield. The highest seed yield (with an average of 490.2 gr.m-2) belonged to the Chamran 2 cultivar and the use of 100 ppm of auxin hormone, and the lowest seed yield (with an average of 360.6 gr.m-2) belonged to the Mehrgan cultivar and no auxin application.CONCLUSION: According to the test results, the use of 100 ppm of auxin hormone compared to other treatments significantly improved the growth and yield of Chamran 2 wheat seeds. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    6 - Reducing The Adverse Effect of Irrigation Water Salinity Stress on Yield of Barley (<i>Hordeum vulgare</i> L.) Cultivars by Foliar Application of Zinc Sulfate
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , العدد 5 , السنة 8 , پاییز 2022
    BACKGROUND: Zinc is an essential low-use element involved in the activity of various enzymes. Carbonic anhydrase, which catalyzes the reversible conversion of carbon dioxide and water into carbonic acid, contains zinc and requires zinc for its activity. Zinc plays a rol أکثر
    BACKGROUND: Zinc is an essential low-use element involved in the activity of various enzymes. Carbonic anhydrase, which catalyzes the reversible conversion of carbon dioxide and water into carbonic acid, contains zinc and requires zinc for its activity. Zinc plays a role in protein metabolism, gene expression, structural and functional integrity of biological membranes and photosynthetic carbon metabolism. OBJECTIVES: The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the foliar application of zinc sulfate fertilizer on the amount of proline and zinc element in leaves and the yield of barley cultivars under saline water irrigation conditions. METHODS: This research was done according split plots experiment based on randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications was carried out in the Station of Agricultural Research in Kabutrabad, Isfahan. Zinc sulfate application three levels (0, 0.5 and 1%) as the main factor and three cultivars (Armaghan (sensitive to stress), Goharan (tolerant to drought) and Mehr (tolerant to salinity)) were considered as secondary factor. RESULT: The highest content of zinc in leaves (45.9 mg.kg-1) and number of seeds per spike (37.2) was observed with 1% zinc sulfate solution in Mehr cultivar. With 1% zinc sulfate foliar application, Mehr and Goharan cultivars had more leaf proline, 21.3% and 15.3%, respectively, compared to Armaghan cultivar. Foliar appkication of zinc sulfate with a concentration of 1% in Mehr, Goharan and Armaghan cultivars significantly increased seed yield by 22.2, 25.7 and 0.29%, respectively, compared to no foliar application of sulfate fertilizer. CONCLUSION: In general, the results of the research showed that under irrigation water salinity conditions, Mehr varieity was superior to Gohran and Armaghan cultivars in terms of seed yield in response to zinc sulfate application. تفاصيل المقالة

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    7 - Assessment Effect of Super Absorbent Polymer and Nitroxin on Growth Curves and Corn (<i>Zea mays</i> L.) Production
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , العدد 5 , السنة 4 , پاییز 2018
    BACKGROUND: Nutrient management plays an important role for obtaining satisfactory yields and to increase crop productivity. Also keep soil moisture under drought stress is an important factor to produce economical production, so super absorbent polymer has great role t أکثر
    BACKGROUND: Nutrient management plays an important role for obtaining satisfactory yields and to increase crop productivity. Also keep soil moisture under drought stress is an important factor to produce economical production, so super absorbent polymer has great role to achieve mentioned goal. OBJECTIVES: Present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different level of super absorbent polymer and Nitroxin biological fertilizer on the productivity of maize and growth Indices. METHODS: Current research was carried out according factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications during 2015-2016. The first factor included different level of Super Absorbent Polymer (S1= nonuse of super absorbent polymer or control, S2= 100 kg.ha-1 and S3= 150 kg.ha-1 super absorbent polymer) and second factor included three level of Nitroxin (N1= nonuse of Nitroxin or control, N2= 1 L.ha-1 and N3= 3 L.ha-1 Nitroxin). RESULT: Result analysis of variance revealed effect of super absorbent polymer and Nitroxin on seed yield and biologic yield was significant but interaction effect of treatments was not significant. According result of mean comparison of different level of super absorbent that maximum seed yield (8455 kg.ha-1) biologic yield (13266 kg.ha-1), Leaf area index (3.5), Leaf area ratio (0.0035 m2.gr), Relative growth rate (0.09 gr.gr-1.day-1), crop growth rate (35 gr.m-2.day-1) was noted for use 150 kg.ha-1 super absorbent and minimum amount of mentioned traits was belonged to control treatment. Also between different level of Nitroxin the highest amount of measured characteristics observed for 1 L.ha-1 treatment. CONCLUSION: Finally according result of current research consume of 150 kg.ha-1 Super Absorbent Polymer and 1 L.ha-1 Nitroxin led to produce highest corn yield and growth indices and it can be advised to farmers in studied region. تفاصيل المقالة

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    8 - Evaluation Effect of Different Amount and Time of Apply Gibberellin Acid on Correlation between Trait, Regression Relationships and Grain Filling Rate of Broad Bean
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , العدد 2 , السنة 6 , بهار 2020
    BACKGROUND: Vicia faba L. is a major crop legume that is used as food owing to the high nutrient components in seeds. Development of high yielding and stable cultivars of various legume crops across different environments is very important for their adoption by farmers. أکثر
    BACKGROUND: Vicia faba L. is a major crop legume that is used as food owing to the high nutrient components in seeds. Development of high yielding and stable cultivars of various legume crops across different environments is very important for their adoption by farmers. OBJECTIVES: The current study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different amount and time of apply Gibberellin acid on correlation between characteristics and regression relationship between effective traits on seed yield of Broad bean. METHODS: This research was done via factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications along 2010 year. The treatments included different concentration of Gibberellin (nonuse of Gibberellin or control, 5 ppm, 50 ppm and 250 ppm) and time of application Gibberellin (Vegetative growth before flowering, flowering until pod emergence, Pod emergence until grain filing). RESULT: According result of analysis of variance effect of different Gibberline acid concentration at different growth stage and interaction effect of treatment on all measured traits was significant. Correlation between traits showed the significant correlation between total dry weight (r=0.97**), harvest index (r=0.94**), seed weight (r=0.90**), number of seed per pod (r= 0.85**), number of pod per plant (r= 0.81**), Pod length (r= 0.61**), leaf area index (r= 0.59**) and seed yield was observed. Grain filling rate changes in all three concentrations of gibberellin acid had an increasing trend. Gibberellin acid consumption in the period of vegetative growth compared to apply hormone at other growth stage had the highest grain filling rate. CONCLUSION: The highest grain filling rate achieved by use of 50 ppm Gibberellin acid at vegetative growth before flowering. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    9 - Response of Morphological Traits of Broad Bean (<i>Vicia faba</i> L.) to Use Different Amount and Time of Apply Gibberellin Acid
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , العدد 4 , السنة 6 , تابستان 2020
    BACKGROUND: Gibberellins (GAs) are growth hormones strongly involved in a wide variety of physiological activities. Currently, gibberellins are commercially used to enhance phenotypic characteristics, earliness, and productivity of many vegetable and ornamental crops. أکثر
    BACKGROUND: Gibberellins (GAs) are growth hormones strongly involved in a wide variety of physiological activities. Currently, gibberellins are commercially used to enhance phenotypic characteristics, earliness, and productivity of many vegetable and ornamental crops. OBJECTIVES: The current study was conducted to evaluate the effect different amount and time of apply Gibberellin acid on morphological characteristics and crop production of Broad bean. METHODS: This research was carried out via factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications along 2010 year. The treatments included different concentration of Gibberellin (nonuse of Gibberellin or control, 5 ppm, 50 ppm and 250 ppm) and time of application Gibberellin (Vegetative growth before flowering, flowering until pod emergence, Pod emergence until grain filing). RESULT: According result of analysis of variance effect of different amount, time of applies Gibberellin acid and interaction effects of treatments on all studied traits were significant. Evaluation mean comparison result of interaction effect of treatments on all measured traits revealed the highest amount of plant height (91.46 cm), node number (29.35), node length (4.98 cm), stem number (13.30), pod length (17.79 cm), seed yield (2899 kg.ha-1), Stem dry weight (1693 kg.ha-1) and Leaf dry weight (958 kg.ha-1) were noted for 50 ppm and vegetative growth before flowering and lowest amount of mentioned traits belonged to nonuse of Gibberellin acid and apply Gibberellin at pod emergence until grain filing. CONCLUSION: Finally according result of current study apply 50 ppm Gibberellin acid at vegetative growth before flowering had the highest amount of studied traits and it can be advice to producers in studied region. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    10 - Assess Effect of Auxin Hormone on Seed Yield and Its Components of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars Under Warm and Dry Climate Condition
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , العدد 36 , السنة 10 , بهار 2024
    BACKGROUND: Growth regulators are organic substances besides nutrients, synthesized in plants, causing alteration in their cellular metabolism. Synthesis of some plant hormones is adversely affected by environmental factors, which causes restriction on physiological pro أکثر
    BACKGROUND: Growth regulators are organic substances besides nutrients, synthesized in plants, causing alteration in their cellular metabolism. Synthesis of some plant hormones is adversely affected by environmental factors, which causes restriction on physiological processes of the plant and ultimately, limits their growth potential. OBJECTIVES: Current research was done to evaluate plant growth regulator (Auxin Hormone) on crop production of Bread Wheat cultivars. METHODS: This study was conducted via split plot experiment based on completely randomized block design (RCBD) with three replications. The treatments included wheat cultivars at three levels (Chamran 2, Behrang and Mehregan) and auxin hormone at three levels (including zero or control, 50 ppm and 100 ppm.ha-1), which were placed in the main and sub plots, respectively. RESULT: According result of analysis of variance effect of Auxin, cultivar and interaction effect of treatments (instead harvest index, number of seed per spike and 1000 seed weight) on all studied traits was significant at 1% probability level. Evaluate means comparison result indicated in different level of cultivar the maximum harvest index, number of seed per spike and 1000 seed weight was noted for Chamran 2 and minimum of that belonged to Mehregan cultivar. Compare different level of Auxin Hormone showed that the maximum and the minimum amount of harvest index, number of seed per spike and 1000 seed weight belonged to 100 ppm and control treatments. Assess means comparison result of interaction effect of treatments indicated maximum seed yield, biologic yield and number of spike per m2 was noted for Chamran 2 and 100 ppm Auxin hormone and lowest ones belonged to Mehregan cultivar and nonuse of auxin treatment. CONCLUSION: Finally, according result of current research foliar application 100 ppm Hormone with Chamran 2 Cultivar achieve highest amount of seed yield and its components and can be advised to producers in studied region. تفاصيل المقالة