فهرس المقالات سارا پرویزی

  • المقاله

    1 - METRIC based evapotranspiration mapping of pistachio orchard in the semi-arid region
    Journal of Nature and Spatial Sciences (JONASS) , العدد 2 , السنة 1 , پاییز-زمستان 2021
    Background and objective: Agricultural lands under pistachio crop are expanded in the Bahadoran area due to the high profitability of production. Therefore, accurate estimation of pistachio water requirements and efficient use of water is essential where water resources أکثر
    Background and objective: Agricultural lands under pistachio crop are expanded in the Bahadoran area due to the high profitability of production. Therefore, accurate estimation of pistachio water requirements and efficient use of water is essential where water resources are insufficient. This study evaluates the performance of METRIC in estimating pistachio evapotranspiration in a semi-arid region. Materials and methods: The satellite images utilized in this study were consisting of three clouds free LANDSAT TM5 data acquired on 28 April 2010, 17 Jul 2010, and 2 Aug 2010. These images in Tagged Image File Format were downloaded from the U.S. Geological Survey Global Visualization Viewer website. Geometric correction of images was performed by collecting 20 numbers of well-dispersed ground control points. First-order polynomial transformation with nearest neighbor resampling method was applied to each image to fit the image coordinate to the coordinate of ground control points. The accuracy of the geo-referencing was evaluated by calculation of root mean square error and it was controlled to be less than half the size of the original pixel. Then two other scenes were co-registered based on this image and a subset of interest areas was generated from image scenes. Radiometric and atmospheric calibration was performed first by converting original digital numbers to radiance.Results and conclusion: METRIC estimates the average ET for the image on April 28, July 17, and August 2 at 2.9, 4.2, and 3.1 mm per day, respectively. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Investigating suitability of land use based on land capability Lake Urmia basin area
    Journal of Nature and Spatial Sciences (JONASS) , العدد 6 , السنة 3 , پاییز-زمستان 2023
    Background and objective:Assessing the suitability and capability of land is a guarantee of sustainable production and preservation of valuable soil and water resources in any country, and paying attention to it is an undeniable necessity for the sustainable management أکثر
    Background and objective:Assessing the suitability and capability of land is a guarantee of sustainable production and preservation of valuable soil and water resources in any country, and paying attention to it is an undeniable necessity for the sustainable management of water and soil resources. Materials and methods: In this research, the land use map of 1381 and the land capability map of 1360 of Urmia Lake catchment area were used using the INTERSECT tool in the geographic information system environment, and the land capability codes, each of which represents its land, were used with the land use of the studied area Matched. Results and conclusion:The results of this research showed that about 76.27% of the codes that had the capability of agricultural land on low slopes have been converted to urban land and 10.17% of the codes that were related to pasture use have been converted to agriculture and rain fields and also on slopes of 8 to 40%, the codes that had pasture and grazing capacity, about 3.9% of it became rainfed and agricultural lands, and finally in the slope above 40%, which includes the smallest area of the lake's catchment area, both in terms of the slope and the land capability map, which is specific to the land They are pastures, nearly 1% of it has been converted into wetlands. Although this amount is less, it is very influential on the flooding of the studied area. In a general summary, it can be said that the land suitability of the study area is not well respected and this can be one of the important factors threatening the saline lake of the study area in the coming years. تفاصيل المقالة