فهرس المقالات A. Ezzat Ahmed المقاله 1 - Cortisol and Postpartum Luteal Function in Cattle A. Ezzat Ahmed M.N. Ismail M.S. Aref A. Zain El-Abedin A.Y. Kassab Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science , العدد 4 , السنة 3 , تابستان 2013 المقاله 2 - Gonadotropin-Releasing Response to Kisspeptin-10 and Its Modulation by Progesterone in Postpartum Cyclic Cows A. Ezzat Ahmed Y. Goto H. Saito T. Sawada J. Jin T. Hirata T. Hashizume Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science , العدد 4 , السنة 3 , تابستان 2013