فهرس المقالات Z. Rehman Khalil

  • المقاله

    1 - Comparative Effect of Different Milking Methods and Udder Hygiene on Somatic Cell Count and Milk Quality in Dairy Cows
    Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science , العدد 2 , السنة 3 , بهار 2013
    108 milk samples were collected to study the relationship of somatic cell counts (SCC) and milk composition with milking methods and udder hygiene from 27 Holstein Frisian (HF) dairy cows having moderate milk yield in mid-lactation and parity of 2 to 4, at Khyber Pakhtu أکثر
    108 milk samples were collected to study the relationship of somatic cell counts (SCC) and milk composition with milking methods and udder hygiene from 27 Holstein Frisian (HF) dairy cows having moderate milk yield in mid-lactation and parity of 2 to 4, at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University Peshawar dairy farm. All animals were randomly distributed into three categories on the basis of milking methods (Mm) including machine milking (MM); gentle hand milking (GH) and rough hand milking (RH). Each category was further subdivided into three groups on the basis of udder hygienic conditions. Upon cleaning methods and visual contamination of udder, the udder hygienic (UH) conditions were categorized into good (washed with water and disinfectant) (GUH), moderate (washed with water only) (MUH) and poor (cleaned with towel) udder hygiene (PUH), having three animals in each group. 10 ml milk sample was collected insterilized glass bottles from each animal during 28 days of experiment with weekly interval. Milk samples were analyzed for SCC and milk composition i.e. milk fat %, solid not fats (SNF) and total solids (TS). Results showed a significant difference for SCC and SNF, influenced by udder hygiene and TS affected by udder hygiene × milking method interaction (UH×Mm). Non significant differences were observed for all the studied traits. Means table showed maximum value of SCC in (PUH) (0.554 millions/mL) followed by (0.521) in (MUH) and (0.470) in (GUH), where as for (Mm), higher SCC was calculated in MM (0.548 millions/mL) followed by RH (0.474) and GH (0.523). Lowered trend was observed in SCC under (GUH) interactions and lowest SCC was found in (GUH×GH) (0.425 millions/mL). Various treatments showed no significant effect on milk fat %. SNF was significantly affected by (UH) and showed maximum value of (8.94%) in (GUH) and minimum value of (8.58%) in (PUH). For TS, (GUH×MM) interaction showed maximum value of 12.33% while (PUH×RH) interactions showed minimum value of 11.62%. It is suggested that the association of somatic cell count may be used as an indicator of hygienic status of the farm and may be use as a tool for setting milk marketing standards. تفاصيل المقالة