فهرس المقالات A. Pal

  • المقاله

    1 - Genetic Study of Dairy Cattle and Buffalo Bulls Based on Growth, Milk Production and Reproductive Traits
    Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science , العدد 4 , السنة 2 , تابستان 2012
    The present investigation aimed to conduct a genetic study of dairy cattle and buffalo bulls based on economic traits and their phenotypic correlation. The means of various economic traits in both the species are presented. Cattle bulls reported a better libido score, F أکثر
    The present investigation aimed to conduct a genetic study of dairy cattle and buffalo bulls based on economic traits and their phenotypic correlation. The means of various economic traits in both the species are presented. Cattle bulls reported a better libido score, Flehmen response, requirement of mounting stimulus and semen volume, conception rate and expected predicted difference for milk production. Significant differences were observed between cattle and buffalo in growth traits (birth weight, 3 months body weight, 6 months body weight), reproduction traits (individual semen motility, post thaw semen motility and requirement of mounting stimulus). Association studies conducted among various growth, reproduction and production traits revealed that, a positively high and significant associationexisted among growth traits and individual motility with the number of semen doses per collection in crossbred bulls. Three month body weight was associated significantly with expected predicted difference (P<0.05) in crossbred bulls. However in the case of Murrah bulls, a significantly high correlation wasobserved among body weights at birth and at three months of age. تفاصيل المقالة