فهرس المقالات F. Rezai Balf

  • المقاله

    1 - The interval Malmquist productivity index in DEA
    Iranian Journal of Optimization , العدد 1 , السنة 4 , زمستان 2012
    One of the most popular approaches to measuring productivity changes is basedon using Malmquist productivity indexes. In this paper we propose a method forobtaining interval Malmquist productivity index (IMPI). The classical DEAmodels have been before used for measuring أکثر
    One of the most popular approaches to measuring productivity changes is basedon using Malmquist productivity indexes. In this paper we propose a method forobtaining interval Malmquist productivity index (IMPI). The classical DEAmodels have been before used for measuring the Malmquist productivity index.The current article extends DEA models for measuring the interval Malmquistproductivity index by utilize the bounded DEA models instead of classical DEAmodels. تفاصيل المقالة