فهرس المقالات Nasser Lotfivand

  • المقاله

    1 - Diagnosis of brain tumor using PNN neural networks
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , العدد 2 , السنة 7 , تابستان 2018
    Cells grow and then need a very neat method to create new cells that work properly to maintain the health of the body. When the ability to control the growth of the cells is lost, they are unconsidered and often divided without order. Exemplified cells form a tissue mas أکثر
    Cells grow and then need a very neat method to create new cells that work properly to maintain the health of the body. When the ability to control the growth of the cells is lost, they are unconsidered and often divided without order. Exemplified cells form a tissue mass called the tumor. In fact, brain tumors are abnormal and uncontrolled cell proliferations. Segmentation methods are used in biomedical image processing and examines the methods used for better segmentation. Critical assessment of the current state of the automated and automated methods for categorizing anatomical medical pictures with emphasis on the benefits and disadvantages. In this project, we recognize brain tumors and classify tumor stages using database testing and training. Segmentation is used for testing purpose by FCM space. Neural networks are also used for its segmentation, which yields acceptable results in PNN neural networks. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Diagnosis of brain tumor using image processing and determination of its type with RVM neural networks
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , العدد 4 , السنة 7 , پاییز 2018
    Typically, the diagnosis of a tumor is done through surgical sampling, which is more precise with existing methods. The difference is that this is an aggressive, time consuming and expensive way. In the statistical method, due to the complexity of the brain tissues and أکثر
    Typically, the diagnosis of a tumor is done through surgical sampling, which is more precise with existing methods. The difference is that this is an aggressive, time consuming and expensive way. In the statistical method, due to the complexity of the brain tissues and the similarity between the cancerous cells and the natural tissues, even a radiologist or an expert physician may also be in error in his diagnosis. Tumor diagnosis is done automatically and various results are achieved. The steps involved in these algorithms can be divided into two sections of the feature discovery and the classification of the samples. The methods generally are that, firstly, the properties of the image are extracted. These characteristics usually include static properties such as entropy, skewness, mean, energy, torque, correlation, etc., or the properties of other algorithms (instant conversion, histogram, etc.). The information obtained at this stage is applied to the sample classification process for decision making. This section is done with an advanced neural network such as RVM. Possible neural networks have the ability to classify more than one class and a kind of radar disease to extract features from MRI images using histogram or satellite conversion techniques, and then selecting appropriate features and ultimately using the system. Fuzzy Neural Network Diagnostics The decision making system of the fuzzy system is a conclusion that trains with these features and in the output, multiple images are given at different levels. In this research, using image and image processing, we try to find out exactly where the brain is placed. For this purpose, it is initially performed using preventive techniques such as enhancement of contrast, marginalization and morphological functions, and then using the neural network to perform a careful separation of the cancerous parts of the brain health sectors. تفاصيل المقالة