فهرس المقالات Abasalt Bodaghi

  • المقاله

    1 - Module contractibility for semigroup algebras
    Theory of Approximation and Applications , العدد 1 , السنة 7 , بهار 2013
    In this paper, we nd the relationships between module contractibility of aBanach algebra and its ideals. We also prove that module contractibility ofa Banach algebra is equivalent to module contractibility of its module uniti-zation. Finally, we show that when a maxima أکثر
    In this paper, we nd the relationships between module contractibility of aBanach algebra and its ideals. We also prove that module contractibility ofa Banach algebra is equivalent to module contractibility of its module uniti-zation. Finally, we show that when a maximal group homomorphic image ofan inverse semigroup S with the set of idempotents E is nite, the moduleprojective tensor product l1(S)×l1(E)l1(S) is l1(E)-module contractible. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - $n$-Jordan homomorphisms on C-algebras
    Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra , العدد 1 , السنة 1 , زمستان 2012
    Let $n\in \mathbb{N}$. An additive map $h:A\to B$ between algebras $A$ and $B$ is called $n$-Jordan homomorphism if $h(a^n)=(h(a))^n$ for all $a\in A$. We show that every $n$-Jordan homomorphism between commutative Banach algebras is a $n$-ring homomorphism when $n < أکثر
    Let $n\in \mathbb{N}$. An additive map $h:A\to B$ between algebras $A$ and $B$ is called $n$-Jordan homomorphism if $h(a^n)=(h(a))^n$ for all $a\in A$. We show that every $n$-Jordan homomorphism between commutative Banach algebras is a $n$-ring homomorphism when $n < 8$.For these cases, every involutive $n$-Jordan homomorphism between commutative C-algebrasis norm continuous. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Generalized notion of character amenability
    Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra , العدد 5 , السنة 2 , پاییز 2013
    This paper continues the investigation of the rst author begun in part one. The hereditary properties of n-homomorphism amenability for Banach algebras are investigated and the relations between n-homomorphism amenability of a Banach algebra and its ideals are found. A أکثر
    This paper continues the investigation of the rst author begun in part one. The hereditary properties of n-homomorphism amenability for Banach algebras are investigated and the relations between n-homomorphism amenability of a Banach algebra and its ideals are found. Analogous to the character amenability, it is shown that the tensor product of two unital Banach algebras is n-homomorphism amenable if and only if each one is n-homomorphism amenable. تفاصيل المقالة