فهرس المقالات Marianna Stehnei

  • المقاله

    1 - Development Trends and Regualtion Peculiarities of the Housing and Utility Sector in Terms of the Resource Efficiency
    Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering , العدد 32 , السنة 15 , بهار 2022
    The housing and utility sector’s functioning is directed at maintaining the life and work of the country’s population under normal conditions as well as providing enterprises and various types of economic activity with water, gas, heat, and electricity resou أکثر
    The housing and utility sector’s functioning is directed at maintaining the life and work of the country’s population under normal conditions as well as providing enterprises and various types of economic activity with water, gas, heat, and electricity resources. Therefore, the housing and utility sector (HUS) remains to be one of the most resource-intensive domains of economic activity. Its unprofitability undermines the attraction of investment to the development of resource-saving technology. In particular, resource losses in the housing and utility sector of Ukraine amount to 50-60%, while the level of their use is 2-3 times lower than the rates of the developed countries worldwide. The paper reveals the unsolved problems in heat supply peculiar to most settlements in Ukraine, leading to the catastrophic condition when the losses from the low energy efficiency of residential buildings are substantial. Main principles and functions of resource efficiency directed at maintenance of balance between social, environmental, and economic components of society’s life are determined. The interregional asymmetries in the development of the road transport enterprises are evaluated with the calculation of standardized coefficients for the selected indicators. The need to introduce the resource-saving activities in the HUS is emphasized as the use of the capacity to reduce the cost of water, gas, heat, and electricity will increase the profitability of economic entities, thus improving their investment attractiveness for domestic and foreign investors. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Housing and Utilities Sector and Management of its Investment Framework in Conditions of Authorities Decentralization
    Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering , العدد 32 , السنة 15 , بهار 2022
    The paper suggests the methodological approaches to evaluation of the efficiency of the housing and utilities sector’s (HUS) functional domain for a region (territory, consolidated territorial community) that can be used to make adjusting decisions in the manageme أکثر
    The paper suggests the methodological approaches to evaluation of the efficiency of the housing and utilities sector’s (HUS) functional domain for a region (territory, consolidated territorial community) that can be used to make adjusting decisions in the management of the HUS investment framework. The existing slight misbalances of the HUS development efficiency in urban settlements among Ukrainian regions are revealed. The paper proves the fact that the suggested methodological approaches can be used to carry out the comparative evaluation of the functioning efficiency of the housing and utilities sector for certain agglomerations and consolidated territorial communities in order to define main vectors of the investment policy of agglomerations and territorial communities and priority directions of infrastructure development and services range optimization. Based on the АВС analysis, the investment sources of the HUS development are allocated. The ranging of projects and directions for securing the modernization of HUS in urban agglomerations according to the ABC analysis principle is suggested. Based on foreign experience in utility management, the paper generalizes that most countries vastly attract private business to management and investment in certain HUS areas, thus contributing to the release of local budgets’ investment resources to implement larger projects in the sector. The paper recommends introducing and improving a set of alternative forms of funding successfully used in the countries with the developed economy to attract investment to the development of the HUS areas (including the local territorial projects) and modernization of their infrastructure, namely leasing, corporatization, project funding, forfeiting, debt financing, concessional investment, mixed funding, etc. تفاصيل المقالة