فهرس المقالات Mohammad Khalilzadeh

  • المقاله

    1 - Modelling the effect of monetary policies of central bank on macroeco-nomic indicators in Iran using system dynamics and fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making techniques
    Advances in Mathematical Finance and Applications , العدد 5 , السنة 9 , زمستان 2024
    The most important policymaker entity in the bank-centered economy of Iran is central bank of Islamic Republic of Iran which has always been trying to manage and improve macroeconomic indicators by applying monetary policies. However, investigation of Iran's economy aft أکثر
    The most important policymaker entity in the bank-centered economy of Iran is central bank of Islamic Republic of Iran which has always been trying to manage and improve macroeconomic indicators by applying monetary policies. However, investigation of Iran's economy after four decades shows that this country has always suffered from double-digit inflation rates and 15000-fold liquidity throughout this period, while GDP of Iran has grown only by two times during this period. This paper tries to evaluate the effect of monetary policies of central bank on macroeconomic indicators by analytical-descriptive and library method via combining system dynamics and fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making using Vensim and Super Decision software. Monetary policy instruments in this re-search include foreign exchange rate, deposits interest rate, facilities interest rate, required reserve ratio, and open market operations. Further, the macroeconomic indicators include inflation, liquidity, national foreign exchange value, and eco-nomic growth. The results indicated that the most important macroeconomic indi-cators in the country according to economic experts are "national foreign ex-change value" and "inflation". The most important tool for monetary policies of central bank is "foreign exchange rate". Indeed, in order to improve the economic misery index, this bank should take measures to improve the national foreign exchange value, then manage inflation and liquidity, and eventually adjust the banking interest rate تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Modeling the Decisions on Determining the Interest Rate on Deposits in Iranian Banking System by using Game Theory
    پژوهشگر , العدد 1 , السنة 7 , زمستان 2022
    In this paper, the optimal interest rate on bank deposits is calculated according to monetary policy in the Iranian banking system. The interest rate on deposits is determined using the game theory and a Stackelberg game approach. The game leader is the Central Bank of أکثر
    In this paper, the optimal interest rate on bank deposits is calculated according to monetary policy in the Iranian banking system. The interest rate on deposits is determined using the game theory and a Stackelberg game approach. The game leader is the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, while the followers include three banks called A, B, and C. The leader of the game regulates its monetary policies in the form of three scenarios and the variables of "legal deposit award rate", "legal deposit ratio", and "rate of bank commission received" from the followers (the banking system). The follower players also determine the "interest rate on deposits" based on the strategy of the leader player. The overall results of this study indicated that in this Stackelberg game, the optimal scenario of the central bank involves "reducing the rate of commissions received" from the banking system and "increasing the legal deposit award rate" under conditions where the coefficient of the importance of the components of the utility function (social welfare) of this bank and the coefficient for facilities paid by this bank to the government, companies, banks, and governmental institutes are complete ( equalling to one), and that the scenario of changing the percentage (ratio) of the legal deposit is not optimal. Meanwhile, the optimal scenario of the follower players was reducing the interest rate on deposits in 2016. Also, the players of this game will be more profitable than their current situation if they choose Stackelberg's game. تفاصيل المقالة