فهرس المقالات سید محمد باقر قرشی

  • المقاله

    1 - Experimental measurements of a prototype high-concentration Fresnel lens and sun-tracking method for photovoltaic panel’s efficiency enhancement
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , پاییز 2015
    Abstract Concentrator photovoltaic modules are a promising technology for highly efficient solar energy conversion. This system presents several advantages due to additional degrees of freedom that has been provided by the spectral separation such as cost and mass reduc أکثر
    Abstract Concentrator photovoltaic modules are a promising technology for highly efficient solar energy conversion. This system presents several advantages due to additional degrees of freedom that has been provided by the spectral separation such as cost and mass reduction, increase in the incident solar flux on PV cells and performances. This paper has proposed a unique photovoltaic solar cell system that consists of semi-Fresnel lens convergent structure and a novel two axis sun tracking module to enhance the efficiency of solar cell by using less cell area and energy losses. The grooves of this lens are calculated according to the refraction and convergent angles of the light easy for perpendicular incidence angle. The update time interval during tracking causes misalignment of the lens’ optical axis versus the sunrays. Then an inventive sun-tracking method is introduced to adjust the module so that the incident rays are always perpendicular to the module’s surface. As a result, all rays will be refracted with the predetermined angles. This way the focus area is reduced and smaller cells can be used. We also mentioned different module connections in order to provide compensation method during losses, for networks and power systems. Experimental results show that using semi-Fresnel lens, along with the sun-tracking method increases the efficiency of PV panel. تفاصيل المقالة