فهرس المقالات majid karimian المقاله 1 - The Effect of Heat Treatment on Springing of AISI301 Majid Karimian Ehsan Nourouzi Esfahani Mohammad Bagherboom Journal of Simulation and Analysis of Novel Technologies in Mechanical Engineering , العدد 4 , السنة 10 , تابستان 2017 المقاله 2 - Review of Micro-Particles of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles by Ball Milling F. Fardi Pour M. Najafi Anaraki M. Karmian Journal of Simulation and Analysis of Novel Technologies in Mechanical Engineering , العدد 1 , السنة 6 , پاییز 2013 المقاله 3 - Investigation of Cutting Forces Superalloy Inconel 718 سید مسعود بدخشیان مجید کریمیان سید علی افتخاری Journal of Simulation and Analysis of Novel Technologies in Mechanical Engineering , العدد 2 , السنة 9 , زمستان 2016