فهرس المقالات Omid Reza Daneshmandi

  • المقاله

    1 - The Investigation of Giant Magneto Resistance in an Inhomogeneous Ladder Lattice
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , العدد 5 , السنة 4 , زمستان 2019
    Abstract : The variation of the electrical resistivity of a material in the external
    magnetic field is known as magneto resistance. This phenomenon has been attracted
    both theoretical and experimental researchers in miniaturization of magneto meters in
    th أکثر
    Abstract : The variation of the electrical resistivity of a material in the external
    magnetic field is known as magneto resistance. This phenomenon has been attracted
    both theoretical and experimental researchers in miniaturization of magneto meters in
    the recent years. In this paper, the magneto resistance of an inhomogeneous two
    dimensional conductor with ladder geometry is simulated by using a two dimensional
    resistor network model. Maxwell's equations have been solved for a point of lattice
    considered as disk and then, its magneto resistance was calculated using a network
    model. The results illustrate that the magneto resistance depends on the specific
    resistance ratios and their locations. Moreover, the results demonstrate when
    inhomogeneity is added properly, the magneto resistance will be increased, otherwise it
    will be reduced. The results also show that for special values of physical parameters
    especially the inhomogeneity, the magneto resistance is diverged at special magnetic
    field. تفاصيل المقالة