فهرس المقالات Fardin Rezaei Zeynali المقاله 1 - Evaluating the Performance of the Raw Material Providers based on the Customer-based LARG (CLARG) Paradigm: A Machine Learning-based Method 10.22094/QJIE.2024.1128784 Fardin Rezaei Zeynali Somayeh Hatami Ramin Talebi Khameneh Mohssen Ghanavati-Nejad Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering , العدد 37 , السنة 17 , پاییز 2024 المقاله 2 - Development of a Data-Driven Decision-Making Model for Evaluating Agile and Resilient Suppliers in the Context of the Circular Economy (Case Study: Automotive Industry) 10.71720/joie.2025.1191822 Mahyar Abbasian Seyed Mahdi Jalali Chimeh Fardin Rezaei Zeynali Melika Nabipour Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering , ستأتي المقالات قريبًا