فهرس المقالات Yelita Anggiane Iskandar

  • المقاله

    1 - Supplier Selection Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process: A Bibliometric Analysis
    Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering , العدد 0 , السنة 17 , پاییز 2024

    The success of the supply chain is significantly dependent on the increasing selection of suppliers. Therefore, organizations must establish assessment criteria to expedite supplier selection. Various decision-making processes have been extensively employed, such as أکثر

    The success of the supply chain is significantly dependent on the increasing selection of suppliers. Therefore, organizations must establish assessment criteria to expedite supplier selection. Various decision-making processes have been extensively employed, such as Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), a prominent method for selecting the best alternative. The criteria used to determine this alternative process was Fuzzy weight because it reduced subjective judgments of the weighted criteria set by the decision-maker. Therefore, this research aimed to present an orderly overview as a guide to earlier research on the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in supplier selection, developed a categorization structure with important aspects and identified areas for further analysis. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses), which combined quantitative and qualitative methods, was used to perform a comprehensive mapping analysis of supplier selection with Fuzzy AHP (FAHP). The quantitative analysis was conducted with the utilization of two software, namely Publish or Perish (PoP) and VOSviewer. The result showed a significant number of articles on supplier selection that consider environmental factors with sustainable development goals (SDGs). It also demonstrated that preliminary research focused on supplier selection methods with the use of mathematical methods. Therefore, future research streams included strategy-oriented supplier selection, and green and sustainable practices, which are still in the early stages of the cycle.

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