فهرس المقالات احمد  فیروزی

  • المقاله

    1 - Paradigmatic Model of Drug Use Prevention Among Rural Youth (A Case Study of Orzooieh Villages, Kerman City)
    Sociological of Studies of youth , العدد 53 , السنة 15 , تابستان 2024
    This study aims to present a paradigmatic model for preventing drug use among youth in the Orzooieh villages of Kerman City. The research is applied in nature and is cross-sectional in terms of time. Methodologically, it is qualitative, utilizing grounded theory as outl أکثر
    This study aims to present a paradigmatic model for preventing drug use among youth in the Orzooieh villages of Kerman City. The research is applied in nature and is cross-sectional in terms of time. Methodologically, it is qualitative, utilizing grounded theory as outlined by Strauss and Corbin. The study population consisted of rural experts and villagers, with data collection continuing until conceptual saturation was achieved, which was possible with 10 participants. The instrument used was semi-structured interviews. The validity of the research was ensured through data triangulation, and reliability was confirmed with an agreement coefficient of 0.72. Qualitative data analysis was conducted using MAXQDA software, version 20. The findings revealed 200 open codes from interview texts, including 21 contextual factors, 11 intervening factors, 21 strategies, and 9 consequences related to the central phenomenon of widespread drug use among rural youth. The results indicated that among the most significant contextual factors were economic conditions, lack of employment, and shifting values toward consumption. Intervening factors included cultural-social adaptation to drug use, psychological impacts, and inadequate planning by authorities. Consequences of neglecting prevention efforts included youth migration from rural areas, lack of realism, inability to form families, and family disruption. The most important proposed strategies included empowering youth, creating supportive environments, enhancing social cohesion, and changing consumption values. تفاصيل المقالة