فهرس المقالات Hasan Sarhadi المقاله 1 - Investigating the effect of low irrigation and nitrogen on vegetative structure and morphological characteristics of henna ecotypes in Jiroft region حسن سرحدی زهرا مختاری Journal of plant ecophysiology , ستأتي المقالات قريبًا المقاله 2 - The effect of different amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen on tuber yield and agronomic traits of potato مجید زاهدی دهنوئی حسن سرحدی مهدی ثباتی گاوگانی Journal of plant ecophysiology , ستأتي المقالات قريبًا المقاله 3 - Investigating the effect of low irrigation and nitrogen on vegetative structure and morphological characteristics of henna ecotypes in Jiroft region https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.10283340 حسن سرحدی زهرا مختاری Journal of plant ecophysiology , العدد 2 , السنة 1 , بهار 2024 المقاله 4 - Assessing the Impact of Sodium Nitroprusside Foliar Application on Drought Tolerance of Henna (Lawsoniainermis L.) Ecotypes Nava Safari Kamalabadi Hasan Sarhadi Mohammd Hassn Shirzadi Journal of plant ecophysiology , العدد 4 , السنة 2 , بهار 2024