فهرس المقالات María Dolores Mariezcurrena-Berasain

  • المقاله

    1 - Effect of Selenium-Enriched Yeast Supplementation on Microbial Spoilage and Lambs’ Meat Quality during Shelf Life
    Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science , العدد 1 , السنة 14 , زمستان 2024
    The aim of the current research was to evaluate the effect of selenium-enriched yeast supplementation on microbial spoilage and the biochemical quality of lamb meat during shelf life. Nine Pelibuey lambs (Ovis aries) were randomly assigned to one of three treatments: a أکثر
    The aim of the current research was to evaluate the effect of selenium-enriched yeast supplementation on microbial spoilage and the biochemical quality of lamb meat during shelf life. Nine Pelibuey lambs (Ovis aries) were randomly assigned to one of three treatments: a control without selenium supplementation (T1), and two supplemented with selenium enriched yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae Selyeast 3000TM enriched yeast, LFA Lesaffre) with either 0.35 mg/kg (T2) or 0.60 mg/kg of selenium (T3), respectively, for 60 days. Microbiological spoilage and biochemical characteristics were evaluated during 0, 3, 6, and 9 days post-slaughter under refrigeration conditions (4 ˚C). Immediately after slaughter, no significant differences were found in aerobic plate count, fecal coliforms count, psychrophiles, pH, a* (Redness), and b* (Yellowness) among treatments. However, statistical differences (P<0.05) were observed within treatments in Psychro-philic, pH, L*(Lightness), and b* along the storage period; pH values decreased in all groups during stor-age, nevertheless higher doses of Se kept the highest pH values by the end of the observation period. As expected, there was a significant positive high correlation between day and b* (rxy=0.83; P<0.001), and a negative high correlation between pH and b* (rxy=-0.82; P<0.001). Selenium antioxidant and antimicrobial effect on meat did not result as expected and it’s hypothesized that an extreme care of animal and meat sanitary manipulation minimized its effect. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Sheep Diet Enriched with Selenium Yeast: Investigating Its Relationship with Physiological Stress and Bibliometric Parameters
    Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science , العدد 3 , السنة 14 , تابستان 2024
    The bibliometric analysis was conducted to determine the impact of enriched-selenium yeast supplementa-tion in sheep diet. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the dietary organic selenium on metabolic stress as well as the blood metabolites in sheep. Thirty femal أکثر
    The bibliometric analysis was conducted to determine the impact of enriched-selenium yeast supplementa-tion in sheep diet. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the dietary organic selenium on metabolic stress as well as the blood metabolites in sheep. Thirty female Pelibüey and Dorper sheep were used during a fat-tening period (60 days) of an average age of 6-8 months old. The basal diet was corn, cookie ground, sor-ghum, distillers dried grain (DDG), oat, and molasses-based diet with 3.1 Mcal/kg weight and combined with 10.16% of crude protein. Animals were randomly divided into 3 groups (10 animals per group): Con-trol group (T1, basic diet with no additive), T2, fed with the basal diet with a 0.3 mg Se/kg (Saccharomyces cerevisiae); and T3, fed with the basal diet with a Se 0.60 ppm. Experimental results were compared with the bibliometric indicators collected from 2010-2014 for a density-equalizing mapping. Data were retrieved from Scopus. Red blood cell count, hematocrit, hemoglobin, white blood cells, and red blood cell indices mean globular volume (VGM) and concentration hemoglobín globular mean (CHGM) were higher for treatment with a lower concentration of Se (T2, 0.3 ppm). A total of 3 countries contributed papers from the top 8 most cited papers about Selenium in the diet of sheep. All countries are from the developed world with a high degree of production and healed care. In conclusion, Supplementation with selenium-enriched yeast at a ratio of 0.3 ppm did not affect hematological variables and improved red cell life even before slaughter. تفاصيل المقالة