فهرس المقالات mostafa karimkoshteh

  • المقاله

    1 - Nano SiO2/H2SO4 as catalyst for the Beckmann rearrangement and deoximation of aldoximes
    Iranian Journal of Catalysis , العدد 1 , السنة 3 , زمستان 2013
    Nano silica-H2SO4 is an efficient and mild catalysis system for the regeneration of aldehyde from aldoximes. Ketoximes are converted to amides by Beckmann rearrangement in the presence of nano silica-H2SO4. The reactions are carried out in solvent-free conditions under أکثر
    Nano silica-H2SO4 is an efficient and mild catalysis system for the regeneration of aldehyde from aldoximes. Ketoximes are converted to amides by Beckmann rearrangement in the presence of nano silica-H2SO4. The reactions are carried out in solvent-free conditions under microwave irradiation (600 W) within 50-120 sec in good yields. تفاصيل المقالة